January  2013 23
“Academic Publication and Communication Research” Round Table Discussion
作者 對談人:李少南、邵培仁、胡智鋒、郝曉鳴、陳炳宏、 陳韜文、馮建三、趙晶晶 主 持:葉月瑜 統 稿:蘇鑰機 其他發言者:邱林川、姜飛、洪貞玲、韋路
Author Discussants: Paul S. N. LEE, Peiren SHAO, Zhifeng HU, Xiaoming HAO, Ping-hung CHEN, Joseph M. CHAN, Chien-san FENG, Jingjing Z. EDMONDSON Chairperson: Emilie Y. Y. YEH Editor: Clement Y. K. SO Other participants: Jack L. C. QIU, Fei JIANG, Chen-Ling HUNG, Lu WEI
摘要 「看看大家對過去五年中華傳播學的研究情況有何評價。其他問題涉及個別期刊的定位、目標讀者、提交論文政策、編輯顧問委員會的角色等。我們又想了解兩岸三地及海外的期刊發表論文中,有沒有一些趨勢,及期刊面臨甚麼問題。究竟中華傳播學研究整體發展方向應如何走,及主編們關心的其他問題,都可以提出來討論。」
Abstract Participants of this round table discussion on “academic publication and communication research” included eight journal editors and other participants at the conference. The journal editors focused on three research articles on research and publication issues in 11 related journals and had knowledge of major issues in Chinese communication research. The editors were asked to comment on the current developmental status of Chinese communication research and publication and the future direction of the field, as well as other topics of interest to them. Some other scholars also provided their views in the special theme session.



Citation of this article:

So, C. Y. K. (2013). “Academic publication and communication research” round table discussion. Communication & Society, 23, 7–30.
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