January  2011 16
研究論文Research Articles
Crisis Communicative Strategies for Multinational Corporations: The Case of Bausch & Lomb’s Contact Lens Solution Withdrawal
作者 向倩儀、黃敬華、徐任賢、姜采蘋、陳盈蓓、蘇惠群
Author Chien-Yi HSIANG, Ching-Hua HUANG, Jen-Hsien HSU, Tsai-Ping CHIANG, Ying-Pei CHEN, Huei-Chun SU
關鍵詞 危機管理、危機溝通策略、跨國危機溝通策略、博士倫、危機生命週期
Keywords crisis management, crisis communicative strategy, crisis communicative strategy of the multinational corporation, Bausch & Lomb Inc., crisis life cycle
摘要 過去的危機溝通策略研究,多以單一國家內的危機事件為主,跨國危機的相關研究甚少。因此,本研究以博士倫藥水回收事件為例,探討跨國公司在處理跨國危機事件時所採用的危機溝通策略。本研究採內容分析法,發現:1.企業會因本身的產業屬性與法律訴訟問題,在採取讓步行動時,言語仍維持抗辯;2.當組織欲改變其危機溝通策略時,會先以中立、模糊的辨明策略為過渡,再轉變至組織所欲採取的策略;3. 政府態度和病例多寡會影響當地公司的回應策略;4.利益關係人的回應可列為危機溝通策略的效益評估項目之一;5.跨國公司各地區的危機是相互影響的。
Abstract There have been studies addressing crisis communication strategies, regarding them to be the one of the key factors in effective crisis management due to their influence on public perception, such as perceived credibility, goodwill, and image of the organization.

With regard to previous studies on crisis communication strategies, it appears that researchers put their focus exclusively on a single incident in a specific area. However, the nature of the crisis scope in multinational corporations has altered in the era of globalization. With the rise of international marketing and the spread of mass communication, a single crisis in a specific area may thus become an issue through media publication in other regions, ultimately resulting in global crisis. Therefore, it has become increasingly important to recognize how multinational corporations cope with certain crisis on a global scale as well as the examination of the crisis communication strategies utilized, such as denial, excuse, justification, concession, and diversion among regions.

To this end, the withdrawal of Bausch & Lomb’s contact lens solution will be examined in regard to its crisis communication strategies among different regions, including the United States, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore in this research. Furthermore, this study attempts to explore the interconnections among the regions regarding the incident as well as the subtleties in crisis communication strategies among different branches.

Through content analysis of newspaper articles within these areas, the researchers attempted to explore how the incident was first published, how it became a salient issue in these countries, as well as what crisis communication strategies were utilized in different branches, influencing the development of the incident.

The results are as follows. First, due to the concern of industry attributes and litigation, Bausch & Lomb remained verbally defensive, insisting there to be no defects in their formula, even though they were ready to adopt a strategy of concession. Second, an in-between strategy was found in exhibition of either neutrality or ambiguity when it came to the alteration of the crisis communication strategy. In addition, there was correlation between the number of reported cases as well as the intervention of the local government and the stance of the branch in different areas. Furthermore, the results also indicated that the responses of the stakeholders were widely used as an information source in the media, either deteriorating or ameliorating the impact of the crisis. Therefore, it is suggested that the responses of the stakeholders on the media should be taken as a criterion in the evaluation of crisis communication strategies. Last but not least, crisis in certain regions does influence the development of the incident in other areas. These results provide important empirical proof in regard to crisis management studies.



Citation of this article:

Hsiang, C. Y., Huang, C. H., Hsu, J. H., Chiang, T. P., Chen, Y. P. & Su, H. C. (2011). Crisis Communicative Strategies for Multinational Corporations—Using Bausch & Lomb’s Contact Lens Solution Withdrawal as an Example. Communication & Society, 16, 123−162
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