January  2011 16
研究論文Research Articles
Fan’s Interpretation Patterns of Korean TV Drama in Cyber Community—The Case of My Name is Kim Sam Soon
作者 王小惠、闕奕婷
Author Eunice Hsiao-Hui WANG, Yi-Ting CHUEH
關鍵詞 韓劇、韓劇迷、解讀研究、儒家價值
Keywords Korean TV series, Korean TV fans, interpretation patterns, Confucian values
摘要 本研究從兩岸「韓劇迷」的解讀型態著手,旨在探討一、華文社群「韓劇迷」的解讀如何與自身的文化產生連結;二、區域文化差異對「韓劇迷」解讀的影響。以「參考型解讀」與「批判型解讀」做為資料分析與歸納框架。採用參與觀察法,分析歷時兩年的網路資料,藉此觀察劇迷對《我叫金三順》的解讀。

Abstract The paper discusses how audiences in China and Taiwan interpret the Korean TV series My Name is Kim Sam Soon. This paper endeavors to understand audience interpretation patterns and why Korean TV series are so popular in Asia. This study explores the method used for decoding, using the analysis framework developed by Liebes & Katz (1990) in Dallas. The study analyzed participant observation and collected and recorded online discussion postings over the two years spanning June, 2005 to June, 2007.

The paper strengthens the concept that the recurring Confucian values found in Korean TV series are highly appreciated and recognized by fans in Chinese communities and that this has led to the popularity of Korean TV series among Chinese fans. The fans of Korean TV in Taiwan and China share similar perceived interpretations that are embedded in Chinese culture. Both groups of fans view Kim Sam Soon as the heroine and are greatly inspired by her perseverance and optimism.

Fans in China had more frequent and longer online discussion postings about My Name is Kim Sam Soon than did their counterparts in Taiwan. As well as being highly devoted in their cyber discussions, fans in China also tend to reveal their emotions more readily, to share real-life love stories, or to project their own sympathies onto the heroine. The cyber community serves as a forum for fans in China. Fans in Taiwan, on the other hand, tend to be more reserved in expressing their own feelings or revealing their own life episodes in cyber discussions.



Citation of this article:

Wang, H. H., Chueh, Y. T. (2011). Fan’s Interpreta¬tion Patterns of Korean TV Drama in Cyber Community—The Case of My Name is Kim Sam Soon. Communication & Society, 16, 99−122
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