October  2010 14
研究論文Research Articles
媒介迷群與中國中產階層的文化認同1 —以美國電視劇《越獄》的中國網絡社 群為個案
Media Fandom and Identity of the Chinese Middle Class: The Case of Prison Break on Chinese Internet
作者 柳珊
Author Shan LIU
關鍵詞 媒介迷群、中產階層、階層認同、智力快感、自我存在的現 實焦慮感
Keywords media fandom, middle class, class identity, wisdom pleasure, selfexistence anxiety
摘要 在全球化與社會主義市場經濟的現代化轉型過程中,中國中產階層扮演着重要的角色。他們如何使用媒介,通過媒介表達了怎樣的階層認同與心理,這種認同與心理,在中國社會的現代化過程轉型期間具有甚麼樣的意義,是本文關注的焦點。本文以媒介迷群理論為切入點,採用質化研究方法,對「越獄迷」進行了網上在線觀察與田野調查,指出「智力快感」與「自我存在的現實焦慮感」是中國中產階層認同的核心要素,這些要素同時也反應出了當前中國社會現代化進程中認同的種種矛盾張力。
Abstract The Chinese middle class is playing an important role in the process of China’s globalization and socialism-market-economy transformation. This article focuses on the way the middle class uses the media, the class identity and psychology it is expressing through the media, and the meaning of these factors in the process of China’s modernization.

The author conducted a qualitative research by observing the TV drama Prison Break online and carrying out field work studies for one year and half. With the help of a questionnaire survey and focus groups talking on MSN and face to face, the researcher points out two of the main identity factors of the Chinese middle class: 1) The “pleasure of intelligence” that is derived fromwatching quality drama as expressed in the intelligent words and deeds of the characters and the high standards of production; and 2) “the anxiety of existence” which is originated from the middle class’s uncertainty about their own security and status. These two factors also reflect the tension of contradiction in the class identity produced by China’s modernization process. The article argues that Chinese TV drama fans, unlike the Americans, do not have a “knowledge community” or authorities in the TV drama profession, and thus lack the ability to exert their influence on the producers. The online behavior of Chinese fans tends to demonstrate changing self-identity, which is seen not only in their show-off consumer behavior, but also in their depressive mood with political implications.


柳珊(2010)。〈媒介迷群與中國中產階層的階層認同─以美國電視劇《越獄》的中國網絡社群為個案〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第14 期,頁75–102。

Citation of this article:

Liu, S. (2010). Media fandom and identity of the Chinese middle class: The case of Prison Break on Chinese Internet. Communication & Society, 14, 75–102.
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