October  2010 14
A Dialogue with Pulitzer Price Winners
作者 統稿:黃煜、徐立丹
Author Editors: Yu HUANG, Lidan XU
摘要 編者按:新聞究竟怎麼了?打開電視,翻開報紙,滿眼「爆炸性新聞」、「流血頭條」、「悲情事件」…… 中立且如實的報導存在但似乎越來越少。有人說商業力量介入與追求利潤是影響新聞品質的主因,很多媒體從業人忽略了新聞的本質, 只關心觀眾要看甚麼,於是為了爭奪受眾,迎合受眾,我們眼睜睜看着越來越多的新聞煽情化,娛樂化。另一方面,這個行業卻有越來越多的莘莘學子垂青,其中女性的比例大有呈上升趨勢,反思新聞價值的意義成為業界以及社會的迫切需要。2009 年11 月2 日至9 日,由香港浸會大學傳理學院新聞系主辦的第三屆普立玆新聞獎得主工作坊在港舉行。本次活動邀請七位普立玆得獎者來港演講授課,他們分別是:Michael Parks、Jim Amoss、Connie Schultz、Hank Klibanoff、Julie Cart、Jane Perlez以及Damon Winter。在為期7 天的學術交流活動中,七位得獎人分別以各自的新聞報導專長為背景,通過19 場論壇、公開講座、座談會以及課堂分享等多種形式,與師生、媒體從業者以及公眾交流心得體會。他們在不同場合,不約而同講述了同一個話題:如實報導的重要性。正如香港財政司司長曾俊華在本次工作坊開幕式強調,傳媒報導若不真實,就會破壞傳媒、政府以及公眾之間的互信關係。在此,我們摘錄兩場論壇的精采觀點,與各位分享!
Abstract We face a media landscape that would have been almost unrecognizable in the 20th century. With technology making the world smaller and closer, the past decades have seen an explosion of media tools and sources, media conglomerates, the emergence of citizen journalism and social media, et al. At the same time, there has also been an expansion of female professionals into the field of journalism, which used to be an almost exclusively male profession.

During 2–9 November 2009, Hong Kong Baptist University held its 3rd Pulitzer Prize Winners Workshop and invited seven winners of the Pulitzer Prize, the US media industry’s most prestigious award, to the campus. They shared with us, in a series of seminars, forums and lectures, their perspectives on the current media landscape and on the future of journalism.

In two forums, quoted below, they explored concerns and questions about whether real news continues to lose ground to sensationalism and entertainment, about whether old-fashioned journalistic values—like objectively reporting the facts or balancing views from all sides—are going to the cultural wayside and about the kinds of difficulties women journalists may encounter in their careers.


黃煜、徐立丹(編)(2010)。〈對話普立茲新聞獎得主〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第14 期,頁1–16。

Citation of this article:

Huang, Y., & Xu, L. (Eds.). (2010). A Dialogue with Pulitzer Prize winners. Communication & Society, 14, 1–16.
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