July  2010 13
研究論文Research Articles
內外之間的關聯政治:中國電視國際新聞 研究—以CCTV《新聞聯播》為例
Linkage politics in Chinese TV foreign news: A Study of Xinwen Lianbo of CCTV
作者 周葆華
Author ZHOU Baohua
關鍵詞 關聯政治、國際新聞、中國電視、CCTV、《新聞聯播》
Keywords linkage politics, foreign news, Chinese television, CCTV, Xinwen Lianbo
摘要 學者常將國內新聞與國際新聞分開研究,而較少關注兩者之間的關聯。本文引用國際政治學中的「關聯政治」(linkage politics)概念,通過對CCTV《新聞聯播》節目的內容分析,論述了中國電視國際新聞報導中存在的「關聯政治」機制—— 即通過自我優先、內外對比、敏感新聞最小化等操作策略,使國際新聞與國內新聞相互映襯,達到維護國家整合與認同、鞏固政權合法性的目的。關聯政治的運作機制主要受到黨─國新聞體制和傳媒市場化過程中將民族主義作為商業策略等因素的影響,但在傳媒改革進程中亦有局部的差異化呈現。
Abstract News is classified as domestic or foreign by whether news events occur inside or beyond national boundaries. The two types of news are often studied separately, and researchers seldom explore how domestic and foreign news are related to each other. This paper applies the concept of “linkage politics” to explore the interconnection between the inside and the outside within the context of foreign news production in post-reform China. Based on a content analysis of CCTV newscasts, this paper argues that the party-state power harnesses foreign news for domestic purposes by a number of operational strategies, such as self-prioritization, setting foreign news as comparison, and minimization of “sensitive” news. These strategies are aimed at legitimizing the existing political institution and facilitating internal cohesion. The findings will be discussed in relation to the context of China’s social as well as media reform, which is characterized by a form of marketized authoritarianism.
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