January  2010 11
研究論文Research Articles
2008 年電視總統選舉新聞的政黨偏差
Television Coverage of the 2008 Presidential Election in Taiwan
作者 羅文輝、黃怡嘉
Author LO Ven-hwei, HUANG Yi-Chia
關鍵詞 政治偏差、總統大選、電視總統選舉新聞
Keywords political bias, presidential election, television news, election coverage
摘要 本研究分析台灣六家電視台如何報導2008 年的台灣總統選舉,並探討這些電視台報導的總統選舉新聞是否存在着政治偏差。

本研究採取內容分析法,從六家電視台選舉前三個月的電視新聞中,隨機抽取25 天的晚間新聞進行分析。研究結果顯示,六家電視台中,以中視及民視兩家電視台的政治偏差情形最為明顯。中視的報導較偏向國民黨總統/副總統候選人;而民視的報導則明顯偏向民進黨總統/副總統候選人。相較之下,華視及TVBS兩家電視台的報導,不論在報導數量、引用的消息來源及新聞給人的整體印象上均較為公正。此外,本研究也發現,和過去的總統選舉新聞相比,台視、中視、華視三家無線台的政治偏差情形已有明顯的改善。這顯示,近年無線三台所有權的變革,對提升三台選舉新聞的公正性有相當功效。
Abstract This study examines television coverage of the 2008 presidential campaign in Taiwan. This study is based on a content analysis of the evening newscasts of six news outlets, three terrestrial television stations and three cable television channels. Results of this study show that the election coverage of CTV and FTV were far more biased than that of other four channels. The coverage of CTV was biased in favor of KMT candidates, while the coverage of FTV was sympathetic toward DPP candidates. More importantly, results also showed that compared to the campaign coverage of the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, the three terrestrial television stations—TTV, CTV and CTS— provided more balanced coverage of the 2008 presidential election. These findings indicate that the change of ownership of the three terrestrial stations in recent years has contributed to the achievement of more balanced coverage in the 2008 presidential election.
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