January  2010 11
研究論文Research Articles
台灣報紙選舉新聞偏差報導現象研究─ 2000 與2004 年總統大選的比較分析
A Study of Biased News Coverage during the 2000 and 2004 Presidential Elections
作者 左宗宏、李俊憲
Author DZWO Tzong-horng, LEE Chun-hsien
關鍵詞 媒體偏差、台灣大選、政治傳播、總統選舉、內容分析
Keywords presidential election, Taiwan election, media bias, content analysis
摘要 灣報紙如何報導總統選舉的新聞?是否能公正、平衡地報導?並探討在「政黨輪替」的局勢下,媒體的選舉新聞是否在不同的指標類目呈現報導差異?本研究採用內容分析法,試圖藉由報導數量、「報導主角」、報導的「新聞議題」及「報導偏向」等各項指標分析,瞭解哪些競選陣營或是候選人可以在總統選舉期間擁有較大的新聞優勢。

研究結果發現,兩次選舉時三家報紙均有「結構偏差」的報導現象,亦即執政黨陣營(2000 年的連蕭陣營及2004 年的陳呂陣營)無論在報導數量、新聞議題及報導偏向等各項指標上,所受到的重視均明顯高於在野黨陣營。另外,民進黨陣營的陳呂配及該陣營的相關人士在政黨輪替後所受到的媒體關注程度,均明顯較政黨輪替前來得高,顯示政黨輪替的局勢對於媒體的新聞報導內容與數量會產生相當程度的影響。
Abstract This study examines three major Taiwanese newspapers’ coverage of presidential election campaigns in 2000 and 2004. Content analysis was used to find out if fair and balanced electoral news stories were distributed across three newspapers. The results revealed that “structural bias” had been embedded in all three newspapers during both presidential campaigns. The incumbents or their running camps were covered in more favorable tones than the rivals in the electoral news stories across most coding categories. An interesting finding is that the peaceful handover of central government in 2000 had considerable impacts on newspapers’ coverage in the election campaign of 2004.
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