January  2010 11
研究論文Research Articles
部落格與競選傳播: 以2008年台灣總統大選候選人為例
Blogs and Campaign Communication in the 2008 Presidential Election in Taiwan
作者 蘇 蘅、張寶芳
Author SU Herng, Christine P. CHANG
關鍵詞 部落格、網路競選、總統選舉、政治傳播、候選人
Keywords election, Taiwan, weblogs, online campaign, campaign web sites, political communication
摘要 部落格(blog)成為競選工具之一,近年備受矚目。台灣2008 年總統選舉中,兩位主要候選人競選團隊也使用部落格作為候選人網路日記,時時更新資訊,並把部落格作為另類政治傳播管道,作為動員參與工具。本研究即以2008 年台灣總統大選兩位候選人的部落格為分析對象,並佐以對候選人競選團隊決策者的深度訪談,探討候選人如何利用部落格進行選戰攻防,分析部落格是否成為公民參與的新形式,及在這次總統選舉中發揮哪些功能。

Abstract In Election 2008 in Taiwan, campaign Weblogs or blogs became a necessary feature of campaign Web sites. Monitoring the adaptation of emergent technological tools into political communication assisted future election experts to understand genesis of blog communication application and explore future uses.

A content analysis of the official blog of Yin-jeou Ma and Frank Hsieh Web sites reveals that baseline information and features have become similar. Their web sites are not sophisticated technologically. The topics are also addressed through in-depth qualitative interviews with senior aids to the e-campaign of Yin-jeou Ma and Frank Hsieh. The results show that in Election 2008, campaign blogs are used as online diaries where information is electronically posted, updated frequently. Blogs are viewed as organizing tools and as a form of civic participatory tool. These online tools are popular with bloggers and web users. The use of blog for future campaign communication was explored and can be used emerged as an important predictor of political engagement in web campaign communication.
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