January  2010 11
研究論文Research Articles
台灣選舉中的競選廣告與議題/特質所有 權認知
Issue/Trait Ownership in Taiwanese Political Advertising
作者 張卿卿
Author CHANG Chingching
關鍵詞 議題所有權、競選廣告、2008 總統大選
Keywords issue ownership, political advertising, 2008 election campaign
摘要 本研究探討台灣選民對國民兩黨的「議題所有權」與「特質所有權」認知,並對照兩項認知與1996 年至今的四次總統大選競選廣告中兩黨候選人的議題與人格特質策略間的關係,試圖找出其中的關聯。第一部分先以2008 年總統大選的選戰前後兩波電話訪問瞭解選民是否具備「議題所有權」和「特質所有權」認知,並探討選戰的影響;第二部分從內容分析找出兩大政黨在歷屆選戰廣告中的議題策略,並討論廣告策略與選民認知間是否有對應關係。

兩波電話調查結果發現,在選戰後民眾對於兩黨在各議題上之「相對」處理能力的認知及對政治人物人格特質評分是趨同的,內容分析結果顯示部分選戰中(2000 與2004),兩黨各自強調自己的議題強項,符合「議題所有權理論」的推測,但在其他選戰中(1996 與2008),兩黨的議題策略反而符合「議題聚合」的假說。
Abstract This study explores voters’ issue and trait ownership perceptions and analyzes the issue strategies employed by candidates in four presidential elections in Taiwan. Two national surveys were conducted to understand voters’ issue and trait ownership perceptions. The results show that ownership perceptions regarding performance issues changed significantly in these two surveys whereas ownership perceptions regarding constituency issues did not. Content analyses of the political advertising in the four presidential election campaigns found that in the 1996 and 2008 campaigns, candidates’ issue strategies converged, whereas in the other campaigns candidates emphasized the issues with which voters believed that they were superior in handling.
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