October  2009 10
研究報告Research Repory
娛樂的社會和心理功能﹕中西方研究的 現狀與前瞻
Social and Psychological Functions of Media Entertainment: Present Theories and Future Research in China and the West
作者 周樹華、葉銀嬌、徐潔
Author Shuhua Zhou, Yinjiao Ye, Jie Xu
關鍵詞 娛樂、娛樂定義、社會功能、心理功能、娛樂理論
Keywords Entertainment, definition of entertainment, social functions, psychological functions, entertainment theories
摘要 與華語電視節目掀起一番又一番的娛樂熱潮相比,目前華人學術界對娛樂的研究卻不夠廣泛和深入。本篇論文集中論述了娛樂的定義和娛樂在西方和中國的發展歷程,並進一步深入論述了娛樂的社會功能和心理功能,包括娛樂對社會關係創造和維持的作用、娛樂的幽默和喜劇效果、娛樂的遁世作用和情緒調解作用。本論文還針對華人學術界對媒體娛樂的研究剛剛起步的狀況,對將來如何研究媒體娛樂提供了建設性的建議,包括從社會學的角度探討娛樂的起源和功能、從人類行為和信息處理機制的角度研究娛樂、以及運用各種心理學範疇的概念對娛樂現象進行解釋等等。希望此篇論文能夠對華人學術界的娛樂研究起一個拋磚引玉的作用。
Abstract The present is often called the entertainment age, but scholarly research has yet to formulate an understanding of what we do with entertainment and what entertainment can do to us. This paper synthesizes the body of literature on entertainment, including its definition, its social and psychological functions, as well as an array of theories developed to explain and predict entertainment effects. It also discusses new perspectives and future directions of such research in an effort to spur more initiatives in the endeavor to understand entertainment.
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