October  2009 10
研究論文Research Articles
The Relationship Between the Form and the Content of Video Game
作者 張美鳳
Author Meily M. F. CHEUNG
關鍵詞 電子遊戲、媒體形態、媒體內容、媒體傾向
Keywords video game, medium, form, content, bias
摘要 本文旨在以媒體形態特性的角度,探討電子遊戲媒體的形態如何影響遊戲內容的選擇和表達。媒體理論的學者認為,不同的媒體有不同的特性和傾向,引導着媒體的製作,媒體本身會帶來個人及社會文化的影響。透過訪問中、港、台三地的業內人士,本研究發現媒體的形態因素加上非形態的因素,透過電子遊戲的行業實踐,對電子遊戲的內容之選擇、性質和表達造成一定的影響,設計人員需要將內容改變和修訂以配合遊戲媒體的特點,電子遊戲媒體的內容亦反映了媒體傾向。
Abstract Video gaming is currently one of the most popular forms of entertainment. Most studies on videogaming have focused on examining the content, but little attention has been given to the form of the medium. In fact, some scholars note that the content of a medium is strongly related to its form. This study explores the connection between the form and the content of video game through a medium perspective. Medium theorists share the assumption that the medium itself brings impact to human experience and interaction. The forms of a medium create, select, modify the content which the medium carries and transmits. Through in-depth interviews with game producers, designers and experts from Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, the study reveals how the form of video game shapes the content. There are also norms and common practices within the industry in selecting, defining and presenting content in order to fit the requirements of the medium. The study also acknowledges the roles of market, institution and gamer in the selection of content.
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