July  2009 9
研究論文Research Articles
PageRank下的資訊批判:新二二八事件 回顧
Information Critique on Page Ranking: A Review of Neo-February-28 Incident
作者 吳筱玫
Author WU Hsiaomei
關鍵詞 資訊批判、PageRank、多樣性、反身性、群眾書寫
Keywords Information critique, PageRank, diversity, reflexivity, mass writing
摘要 本文旨在探討資訊利器—搜尋引擎上的反資訊現象,以Scott Lash 的資訊批判理論為本,揭示PageRank(頁面排序)這種群眾書寫的機制,在相信群眾智慧的同時,如何裂解了傳統以專家為本的權力/知識體系,進而引領一波波紊亂的資訊秩序。

研究者首先對2005 年台灣發生的「東海大學劈腿事件」(又稱新二二八事件)進行個案說明,接着以Google搜尋引擎的資訊為本,抽選兩天對其資訊陳列進行研究。研究發現,個人化、反身、感性的資訊盤踞在PageRank的資訊秩序中,且排序總在前面。這意味着在相互點選的群眾書寫機制下,專業的、知識的理性論辯並不受青睞,取而代之的,是視資訊批判為一種日常生活的實踐,從個人的經驗感受,對資訊進行意義的操作與補遺。

Abstract This paper aims to examine the disinformation phenomenon of search engines. Based on Scott Lash’s information critique theory, the researcher explores how a mass writing mechanism, mainly Google’s page ranking, deconstructs the traditional expert-oriented power / knowledge structure and leads to a chaotic information order.

The neo 228 incident of March 2005 is chosen for study. A thorough review of this case is provided first. The research then randomly selects two-day data from Google to conduct qualitative analysis. The results show that professional, rational knowledge debates are underestimated in page ranking information order. Instead, blogging, reflexive, and sentimental messages have priority, implying that people regard their information critiques as everyday life practice, to interpret the incident from their personal feelings rather than to discover the reality of it.

The paper concludes that current principle of information critique, emphasizing mobile, disembedded, space-time-compressed relations, will not facilitate reviewing an historical event and even mislead the user. While evaluating the value of data, PageRank should put more emphasis on factual texts rather than on those with personalized feelings, allowing the user to coordinate between experiences and facts, supplementing his / her idea while elaborating on the reality of an event. This is an urgent issue for modern information critique.
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