July  2009 9
研究論文Research Articles
Rumor as Social Protest
作者 胡 泳
Author HU Yong
關鍵詞 新媒體事件、謠言、社會抗議
Keywords new media event, rumor, social protest
摘要 在新媒體事件中,謠言發揮了種種頗具爭議的功能。中國許多學者的研究傾向於否定謠言中的真實性,從而將謠言定性為「虛構」、「捏造」、「譭謗」,其中甚至不乏動機判斷。本文認為,謠言常常作為一種社會抗議而出現,並指出,對謠言內涵的演變以及謠言在現實中發生的相關語境進行認真考察和研究,將有助於提示官方文本、主流思維之外的另類謠言觀,解讀特定歷史時空中造謠、傳謠的群體心態和社會氛圍,描繪出更加多維度、多層次的歷史圖像。
Abstract Rumor has several controversial functions in new media events. This paper takes a theoretical analysis approach to study how Chinese researchers stress the false, unverified, and defamatory nature of rumor, with a special focus on the ways researchers’ emphasis on motivational factors tend to demonize rumors. This paper points out the role of rumor as a social protest in various new media events. The paper further contends that a careful examination of the definitions of rumor and its social contexts will help form an alternative view that challenges the official story and questions the authorities of mainstream media.
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