July  2009 9
專輯序言Special Issue Preface
Approaching New Media Events Research
作者 邱林川、陳韜文
Author Jack Linchuan QIU, Joseph M. CHAN
關鍵詞 新媒體事件、華人社會、話語權、當代史視角
Keywords new media events, Chinese society, discursive rights, contemporary- history perspective
摘要 「新媒體事件」是什麼?為什麼值得研究?其學術淵源為何?在今日的中港台三地,它有怎樣的社會意義?在今天的傳播研究中,它帶出怎樣的概念及方法問題?我們作為研究者,應當如何應對這一新的挑戰,並藉此提升華人傳播研究,乃至傳播與歷史研究的總體水平?在此為「新媒體事件」專刊所做的序言中,我們嘗試對這些議題進行總體介紹。在回顧戴揚與卡茨「媒體事件」理論框架的基礎上,我們結合華文媒體,尤其是網絡新媒體近年來的發展情況,以及不斷出現的新型媒體事件,從宏觀層面上綜述傳播技術、社會結構與歷史進程之間的關係,為本期專刊各篇文章中的深入探討做鋪墊。這裏涉及到的關鍵議題包括話語權、公私界線、媒體系統、社會效果等,同時亦引出事件的定義和分類等值得深究的問題。這裏強調的「傳播研究的當代史視角」,更值得在未來的研究中進一步發展。
Abstract What are “new media events”? Why should we study them? What are their conceptual origins? How significant are they in today’s Chinese societies? What conceptual and methodological issues do they entail? As researchers, how should we meet the challenge of studying new media events? Can we seize the opportunities they offer to enhance Chinese communication research and even studies on communication and history as a whole? This foreword to the “new media events” special issue provides an overview of the above questions. We start from Dayan and Katz’s theoretical framework of “media events” and go beyond it to consider the latest changes in Chinese media, especially recent developments based on networked new media technologies as well as the incessant “new media events” that have unfolded in recent years. From a macroscopic angle, we identify key problems regarding communication technology, social structure, and the making of history in order to prepare readers for more in-depth analysis in the various articles of this special issue. These include crucial topics such as discursive rights, the public / private boundary, media system, and social consequences. We also attempt to delineate the definition and categorization of new media events, while stressing a “contemporary-history perspective on communication studies” that needs further development in future research.
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