January  2008 6
研究論文Research Articles
在場:民族志視角下的電視觀看活動 ─ 獨鄉田野資料的再闡釋
Locatedness: An Ethnographic Perspective on TV Viewing — A Reinterpretation of the Fieldwork at Dulong Xiang
作者 郭建斌
Author GUO Jianbin
關鍵詞 獨鄉、電視、民族志、觀看活動、在場
Keywords DuLong Xiang Television, Ethnography, TV watching activity, locatedness
摘要 本文以獨鄉田野調查資料作為分析起點,在對研究問題及相關文獻梳理的基礎上提出並闡釋了「在場」( locatedness)這個概念。在此基礎上,從「國」和「家」兩個維度入手,在闡釋不同維度上不同的「在場」方式的同時,也對某些溝通著兩個維度的「在場」方式做出了具體分析。本文意在對一種存在於中國西南少數民族農村地區的浸透於國家權力之中的電視與日常生活進行「深描」,並通過這個個案,呈現 「在場」這個概念的理論意義,以及解讀電視收看在日常生活中的社會與文化意義作為一種研究思路。
Abstract Based on the fieldwork at Dulong Xiang and a critical review of the theoretical literatures on audience analysis, this paper develops the concept of locatedness as an interpretive tool to examine the concretely situated TV viewing activities in this remote ethnic minority area. The explication of locatedness as a theoretical concept addresses two dimensions: the locatedness of and in the state (guo) and home (jia), and discusses the reciprocal relations between them. Utilizing this concept, the paper offers a thick description of television contacts and local everyday life in Dulong Xiang case, showing the penetration of the political power of the state and its interactions with local conditions. Through this case, the paper also discusses the theoretical significance of the concept locatedness and the interpretation of the social and cultural significance of TV viewing in everyday life as a research approach.
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