January  2008 6
研究論文Research Articles
報告文學的「事實演繹」:從不同歷史 時期的文本管窺中國知識分子與 國家關係之變遷
“Fact Extrapolation” in Reportage: Examining the Changing Intellectual-State Relations in China across Three Historical Periods
作者 郭中實、陸曄
Author GUO Zhongshi, LU Ye
關鍵詞 事實演繹、報告文學、知識分子
Keywords fact extrapolation, literary journalism, reportage, intellectuals
摘要 本文以話語的社會實踐為分析框架,「事實演繹」為核心概念,探討中國改革開放三十年間反映在報告文學文本中的知識分子與國家關係之變遷。報告文學的發展路向,從1970 年代末期知識分子社會角色的合法性建構開始,經過1980 年代中後期與國家政治權力結盟短暫觸及政治體制改革,至1990 年代演變成知識分子將公共利益作為社會現實批判和與國家關係建構的話語基礎。通過三個典型文本分析發現在這一過程中,市場經濟催生的國家— 社會從高度統合到有限疏離的結構性轉變對知識分子的社會作為起到重要影響。
Abstract This paper examines the dynamic interplay between China’s intellectuals and the state power as seen from the text of baogao wenxue, or reportage, in the past three decades of reform and open policy. Our analysis proceeds from a conceptual definition of “fact extrapolation” within the larger analytical framework of Fairclough’s social practice of discourse. By tracing the trajectory of the development of reportage along three time lines, we were able to observe legitimacy construction by intellectuals of their own social role in the late 1970s; alliance formation between intellectuals and the state political power, which culminated in a brief tinkering with political system reform in the 1980s; and pursuit of reality criticism and state acceptance by intellectuals on the notion of public interest in the 1990s. One “exemplar reportage” was selected from each of the three historical periods for analysis.
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