January  2008 6
研究論文Research Articles
改革開放三十年中國輿論監督的話語 變遷:以中國新聞獎獲獎作品為線索
The Discourse Transformations of “Media Supervision” in China from 1978 to 2008: The Cases of Chinese Journalism Prize-winning news reports
作者 雷蔚真、陸亨
Author Lei Weizhen, Lu Heng
關鍵詞 話語、新聞改革、輿論監督、中國新聞獎
Keywords Chinese Journalism Prize, discourse, media reform, public opinion supervision
摘要 考查輿論監督的話語變遷是研究改革開放三十年間中國新聞改革及民主化進程的重要視角。本文對中國新聞獎從1979 年至2006 年的一等獎獲獎作品中的輿論監督類作品進行了「以文本為方向的話語分析」,發現輿論監督報導的話語技術專業化,輿論監督話語主體由媒體轉向公眾,並且,開始具有獨立意識的媒體與國家權力之間出現了輿論監督話語的正當化協商。儘管中共關於輿論監督的觀念未發生實質性的變化,但國家— 傳媒的舊有(established)體制已被輿論監督的話語實踐重構,而這一重新建制( reconstruct)的過程也在話語的變遷中得到體現。
Abstract The development of watchdog journalism is a part of media reform and political democratization in China during the past 30 years. This study explores the transformations of “public opinion supervision” in China from a perspective of discourse analysis by analyzing the news reports that won the first-class prize in Chinese Journalism Prize from 1979 to 2006. The analyses trace a shift of supervision subject (from media to the public) and professionalization of discursive technology in news reporting. It also shows that negotiations over public opinion supervision between the party-state and the media with increasing autonomy have become increasingly legitimate. Although the established regime of public opinion supervision has not had a fundamental change under the control of CCP, the discursive practices of public opinion supervision reflect and reconstruct the power relations between the media and party-state in China.
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