January  2011 15
研究論文Research Articles
共識的焦慮:中國媒體知識分子對危機與 風險的論述
Anxiety about Common Sense: Chinese Media Intellectual’s Discourses on Social Risk
作者 司景新
Author Jingxin SI
關鍵詞 媒體知識分子、危機傳播、社會風險、共識
Keywords media intellectual, crisis communication, risk, common sense
摘要 危機傳播是動態的話語衝突與調和過程,風險是社會建構的產物,危機和風險的治理及秩序的重建是一個權力施用過程。媒體對風險和危機的再現也是相應社會博弈和建構的產物。本文選取《南方周末》、《南方都市報》、《新週刊》、《三聯生活週刊》四家媒體關於「5.12汶川大地震」、「三鹿毒奶粉事件」、「金融危機」三大公共事件的媒體知識分子時評,運用建構主義話語分析理路進行文本檢視,總結出國家、個人、市場、及公民社會四個共識集束,並探討了中國媒體知識分子如何基於公共利益,建構公共理性,推動危機、風險及其治理的社會共識建構,深化了中國危機傳播研究的批判取向。
Abstract Crisis communication involves discourse conflicts and negotiations. Many social powers attempt to define where the risk lies in a certain society to determine risk administration and reestablishing order. Media representations of crisis and risk become the sphere in which different interest groups compete and negotiate.

With this premise, this paper explores commentaries and articles about three major crises in four Chinese liberal publications written by intellectuals.

Through discourse analysis, this paper identifies four common-sense approaches that include the state, individuals, civil society, and markets to examine how China’s media intellectuals pursue real criticism and represent the public’s interests. The criticism orientation of this crisis communication study is applied in a Chinese context in this research.


司景新(2011)。〈共識的焦慮:中國媒體知識分子對危機與風險的論述〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第15 期,頁215–240。

Citation of this article:

Si, J. (2011). Anxiety about Common Sense: Chinese Media Intellectual’s Discourses on Social Risk. Communication & Society, 15, 215−240.
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