January 2011 |
15 |
研究論文Research Articles |
情境式危機傳播理論與中國本土實踐的檢 視:以四川大地震為例 |
Localizing the Situational Crisis Communication Theory in a Chinese Context: A Case Study of the Sichuan Earthquake in 2008 |
作者 |
史安斌 |
Author |
Anbin SHI |
關鍵詞 |
危機傳播、中國政府、情境、媒體報導、本土化、四川大地 震 |
Keywords |
crisis communication, Chinese government, situation, media coverage, localization, Sichuan Earthquake |
摘要 |
本文以「情境式危機傳播理論」為基本框架,運用內容分析和焦點小組訪談等方法對「四川大地震」期間中國政府部門危機傳播的情境、修辭策略和傳播效果進行深入的考查和檢視,旨在對「危機傳播」這一新興的傳播學亞學科在中國的「本土化」提供概念、理論和範式的參照。本文的主要發現是,政府根據具體的情境而採取的有效的危機傳播策略,往往能夠獲得正面的媒體報導,從而有效地提升政府的公信力,反之則不然。本文還對改進中國政府的危機傳播機制提出了政策性建議。 |
Abstract |
By adopting a “situational crisis communication theory” as its basic framework, this study makes an in-depth analysis of the rhetorical strategies and communication efficacy of the Chinese government during the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake. The author makes a content analysis of the manuscripts from the press conferences and related texts of media coverage, with reference to focus group interviews of government spokespersons. In the final analysis, the appropriate strategies for the government’s crisis communication in accordance with specific situations would lead to positive feedback from global media, and would consequently secure the accountability and enhance international reputation of Chinese government.
The author also makes policy recommendations for improving the crisis communication of Chinese government and addresses the possibilities and challenges of localizing a “Western paradigm” in a Chinese context in the field of communication studies.
吳宜蓁(2011)。〈運用網絡社交媒體於風險溝通─以2009–2010 年台灣政府H1N1防疫宣導為例〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第15 期,頁125–160。
Citation of this article:
Shi, A. (2011). Localizing the Situational Crisis Communication Theory in a Chinese Context: A Case Study of the Sichuan Earthquake in 2008. Communication & Society, 15, 105−124.
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