January  2011 15
研究論文Research Articles
運用網路社交媒體於風險溝通—— 以2009—2010 年台灣政府H1N1 防疫宣 導為例
Using Social Media in Risk Communication: An Example of the Anti-H1N1 Infectious Disease Campaign in Taiwan during 2009–2010
作者 吳宜蓁
Author Yi-Chen WU
關鍵詞 風險溝通、社交網絡、社交媒體、新流感
Keywords risk communication, Web 2.0, networks, social media, H1N1
摘要 風險溝通的首要關鍵在訊息的交換與分享。網路社交媒體具備社群關係網絡串聯及立即互動的優勢,是Web 2.0 時代進行風險溝通的利器。本論文以2009–2010 年台灣爆發的H1N1 新型流感疫情為例,初探社交媒體在風險溝通的運用情況。從社交媒體平台的內容分析及政府官員的訪談中發現,台灣疾病管制局對於社交媒體的使用類型多元,內容創新,涵蓋訊息的傳遞與交換,在社群凝聚方面包括官網互動、活動凝聚與粉絲團(fans)建立,然而在開放對話與回應速度方面則有所不足。本研究根據研究結果,對於未來風險溝通的實務操作及後續研究,分別提出多項建議。
Abstract Internet social media, which allow users to produce and share content, exchange opinions or build a community, have been regarded as popular and effective tools for risk communication. This paper provides the empirical evidence of social media in helping information transmission and sharing during a high-risk situation. The Anti-H1N1 Infectious Disease Campaign in Taiwan during 2009–2010 was used as the example to explore three questions: First, under what considerations did the Taiwan government employ social media for the anti-H1N1 campaign? Second, what and how many social media networks were used for the campaign? Third, what kind of communication strategies did those social media tools reflect?

Through content analysis of the social media tools used by the Taiwanese government and interviews with the officials in charge of the Internet communication, the study found that the Taiwan CDC applied a variety of social media tools with innovative content transmission and sharing. Social networking sites were also used by the government to build net communities.

Nevertheless, the study still found the limitation of the government in open dialogues with and prompt responses to Internet community citizens. The study concludes with the appropriate attitudes and actions of using the social media for risk communication. Suggestions for future research are also provided in the study.


吳宜蓁(2011)。〈運用網絡社交媒體於風險溝通─以2009–2010 年台灣政府H1N1防疫宣導為例〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第15 期,頁125–160。

Citation of this article:

Wu, Y. C. (2011). Using Social Media in Risk Communication: An Example of the Anti-H1N1 Infectious Disease Campaign in Taiwan during 2009−2010. Communication & Society, 15, 125−160.
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