January  2011 15
研究論文Research Articles
Risk Communication of Global Warming: Lay Perceptions and Actions in Taiwan
作者 徐美苓、楊意菁
Author Mei-Ling HSU, Yie-Jing YANG
關鍵詞 全球暖化、風險溝通、常民理論、電話調查
Keywords global warming, lay perception, risk communication, telephone survey
摘要 本研究探討台灣民眾對全球暖化風險的認知、議題參與以及影響因素。針對947 名受訪者之電話調查結果,男性、年紀較輕者,較不關心也較不會力行節能減碳;受訪者之全球暖化成因知識對關心相關議題、節能減碳有正向預測力,影響知識對節能減碳、以及減緩方式知識對促進議題的關心程度與政策支持,卻分別有負向預測力;資訊接收管道多寡對節能減碳則有微弱的正向預測力;對環境的信念與行動在各依變項上有較明顯的影響力,特別是後者。本研究最後提出有效溝通全球暖化風險的策略建議。
Abstract Global warming could be rated as the most crucial but the toughest environmental problem facing the human species today. Though being perceived as an issue of imminent crisis, global warming differs from most other issues concerning crisis management. For one thing, crises related to global warming seem to occur gradually but are in fact unpredictable. For another, even after many years of calling for more attention and efforts, experts are still trying to persuade the world how serious the problem is and how urgently human beings have to take actions to curb emissions of carbon dioxide. Worldwide surveys have accumulated sufficient results concerning public perceptions of global warming. Similar investigations, however, are scarce in Taiwan, a densely populated land vulnerable to the results of accelerating global warming.

Based on the theoretical concepts of risk society and lay theory, the study aims at exploring public knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, policy support, and actions regarding global warming in Taiwan. Specifically, the study is designed to address the following questions: (1) What is the socio-demographic profile in relation to public participation in issues related to global warming? (2) What are the features of the public’s understanding of global warming? How do individuals’ different domains of global warming knowledge affect their participation in the related issues? (3) What are the main communication sources for the Taiwanese public to obtain global warming-related information? How does the diversity of sources affect public participation in the related issues? (4) What are the Taiwanese environment-related beliefs and actions like? How do they affect public participation in the related issues?

A multi-stage systematic sampling technique was used to perform computer-assisted telephone interviews with 1,204 Taiwanese ages 18 and above in July 2009. Among them, 947 (78.6%) have heard of the term “global warming” and were retained for further analyses. Four hierarchical regression analyses were conducted using attention, concern, energy saving and carbon reduction behaviors, and policy support as dependent variable, respectively.

The results show that the predictive power of the independent variables varied by regression model. Men, younger, and more educated respondents were surprisingly less concerned with global warming and less likely to practice energy saving and carbon reduction. Respondents’ knowledge of global warming fell into three uncorrelated dimensions: cause, impact, and solution.

Among them, only knowledge of cause positively predicted energy saving and carbon reduction. Knowledge of impact had a negatively predictive power on such behaviors. Knowledge of solution also negatively predicted the extent of concern over global warming. Overall, environmental beliefs and actions had the greatest impact on the dependent variables, especially the latter. To conclude, suggestions for future studies and risk communication strategies, together with limitations of the findings, are discussed.


徐美苓、楊意菁(2011)。〈台灣全球暖化風險溝通的常民認知〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第15 期,頁71–104。

Citation of this article:

Hsu, M. L., & Yang, Y. J. (2011). Risk Communication of Global Warming: Lay Perceptions and Actions in Taiwan. Communication & Society, 15, 71−104.
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