January  2007 1
研究論文Research Articles
Social Discourse of Journalistic Professionalism in the Chinese Context
作者 童靜蓉
Author TONG Jingrong
關鍵詞 專業主義,中國新聞業,媒體改革,中國社會,話語,權力
Keywords Professionalism, Chinese Journalism, Discourse, Media Reform, Chinese Society
摘要 這篇文字運用社會建構的取經研究中國語境下的新聞專業主義話語及其涵義。新聞專業主義是一種話語價值體系,同時也是在社會話語中為記者建構的職業身份。本文認為在中國有三個話語體系:機構(職業)話語,官方話語,以及民間話語。三種話語之間交叉重疊,其關係隨著時間的推移以及在話語場境中互相對抗的各種權力的消長而改變。媒體以及新聞業在表達和實踐專業主義的時候經常要與社會脈絡中的各種權力進行協商。新聞專業主義並非絕對的利他性,相反,一些出於自身利益考慮的媒體機構以及新聞記者將之當作一種策略來使用,其本身是一種權力的來源。此外,在中國語境里,專業主義話語被賦予和被理解成一種異於西方話語的話語。專業主義話語的表達,比如「承擔社會責任」,「自由度」,和「客觀性」,在中國這樣一個轉型社會的語境中有著不同於西方語境下的意義。
Abstract This paper investigates the norms of journalistic professionalism in China, and its specific meanings, through the social construction approach. Journalistic professionalism is a normative value system as well as the occupational identity constructed for journalists in social discourse. It is argued that there are three social discourses of journalistic professionalism in China: institutional discourse, official discourse, and citizen discourse. Overlaps can be identified among the three discourses. Chinese journalistic professionalism is changing over time in the discursive field where power struggles take place. The media negotiates with contextual powers in expressing and practicing its professionalism. It is also argued that Chinese professionalism norms are endowed with context-specific meanings and understood in a way different from that in the western discourse. The same expressions for professional norms, such as “taking social responsibility,” “autonomy,” and “objectivity,” carry different implications in the contexts of China and Western countries.
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