January 2007 |
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研究論文Research Articles |
政治轉變中的選舉詮釋和制度修正:2004香港立法會選舉「後選戰」個案研究 |
Election Interpretation, Post-election Campaign, and Institutional Repair: The Case of the 2004 Legislature Council Elections in Hong Kong |
作者 |
李立峯 |
Author |
LEE Lap Fung Francis |
關鍵詞 |
選舉詮釋,制度修正,傳媒論述,民意,后選戰 |
Keywords |
institutional repair, election interpretations, post-election campaign, media discourse, public opinion |
摘要 |
西方的批判傳播研究經常指出,由於傳媒身處社會的政經系統中,再加上新聞製作過程對建制的依賴,以及文化霸權的影響,傳媒對社會及政治議題的報道會傾向將建制內的觀點以及建制本身合法化。當建制受到挑戰時,傳媒則會對建制作出「修正」,即一方面作出一定的批評,但始終維護建制的基礎和合理性。不過,對香港這樣正經歷政治轉變的社會而言,所謂「建制」本來就在不斷的變遷之中。它在公民眼中的認受性不一定高。在這種環境中,傳媒和建制會有什麼樣的關係?2004年香港立法會選舉中一名長期以來以參加反建制社會運動而著名的社會活躍份子勝出,為探討香港傳媒對建制的態度提供了一個合適的個案。究竟香港傳媒怎樣報道他的勝利?輿論怎樣詮釋這選舉結果的意義?如果這選舉結果可以被視為一種對香港現存政治制度的批判和挑戰的話,傳媒論述怎樣建構這批判和挑戰的內容?透過重構2004年香港立法會選舉的「後選戰」,本文展示選舉後在傳媒出現的民意建構和制度修正現象。本文並討論這制度修正出現的原因,以及政治轉變中香港傳媒和公共論述的作用。 |
Abstract |
Critical media studies have generally considered the media as subservient to the existing power structure of a society. Because of the characteristics of the news production processes, the embedded-ness of the media in the political economic systems, and/or the working of the dominant ideology, the media tend to privilege the viewpoints and reinforce the legitimacy of the established institutions. But what is the relationship between the media and “established institutions” in a society experiencing political transition? This article examines this issue through a case study of post-election discursive contests. The victory of veteran activist Leung Kwok Hung (nicknamed Long Hair by the media) in the 2004 Legislative Council elections in Hong Kong was widely regarded as presenting a challenge to the establishment. How did the media report the election result? How did public discourse interpret the meanings and implications of his victory? If Leung’s victory represented a challenge to the establishment, how did public discourse articulate the contents of such a challenge? This article reconstructs the “post-election campaign” of the 2004 Legislative Council elections to illustrate the phenomena of public opinion construction and institutional repair. These phenomena have important implications on how we understand the relationship between the media, public discourse, and political institutions during Hong Kong’s political transition. |
No.69 2024 July |
No.68 2024 April |
No.67 2024 January |
No.66 2023 October |
No.65 2023 July |