January  2007 1
研究論文Research Articles
Constructing and Expanding Taiwan
作者 馮建三
Author FENG Chien-san
關鍵詞 公共電視、學院知識份子、政治權威、社會遊說
Keywords public television, academic intellectual, political authority, social campaign
摘要 為了更新與推進民主,知識份子必須認真進入媒體場域,運用傳媒,並同時努力變化傳媒的營運機制。當前,主流傳媒業已成為再次封建化的公共領域。若要舒緩此一趨勢,必須

注入更多公共產權及經營權的傳媒資源。本文簡短檢視英美學界,回顧其改革傳媒的努力,但重點在於台灣。過去十七年來,台灣也有傳播學界為主的知識份子,積極從事傳媒改革。對於創建公共電視的政策,學界先是被動與消極參與,後逐漸轉為批評政治當局。從2000 年起,運用新形勢,在民進黨取代國民黨,首度成為執政黨的轉型期,學界搖身變成呼籲與倡導擴大公共電視的力量。2006年元月,國會通過法案,擴大公視的主張得以局部落實,惟前進的步履還是蹣跚。台灣公共電視的規模擴大後,未來是否能夠有合理表現,仍然未可樂觀。文末從台灣政治系統及學界二個角度,檢討這個格局的形成原因。
Abstract As the mainstream media has downgraded into a state of refeudalized public sphere, more public media will have to be created in order to alleviate such undesirable tendencies. This paper gives an overview of media reforming activities experienced by Anglo-Saxon campaigners, including many political- economic communication academics. However, the focus of the article is to critically examine how Taiwanese people, communication scholars for the most part, have been re-acting initially to the government’s call for setting up a public television channel (PTV) since 1990, and how such a long-term effort has renovated itself into a more pro-active role over the years. They have exploited a new situation arising since 2000, when the Nationalist Party that had ruled Taiwan since 1949 was defeated in the Presidential Election by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). Although expanding PTV was what the DPP included in its Election Manifesto, it is only partially fulfilled under DPP’s administration in early 2006, with the remaining task still daunting. This article ends with a critical reflection on the respective roles of the state and the academics.
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