April 2007 |
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研究論文Research Articles |
廣告話語的結構重疊和中國社會的變遷---以1980年和2000年《人民日報》的廣告為例 |
Generic Intertextuality in Advertising Discourses and Social Changes in Mainland China--The Case of Advertisements in People |
作者 |
馮捷蘊 ; 吳東英 |
Author |
FENG Jieyun
WU, Dong-ying Doreen |
關鍵詞 |
話語結構重疊理論,信息性語體,感染性語體,政治化話語,私人化話語 |
Keywords |
generic intertextuality, informative style, involving style, political discourse, private discourse, commercial public discourse |
摘要 |
本文採用批評話語分析的視角及其話語結構重疊的理論,研究分析了1980年和2000年《人民日報》的廣告文本,考察其話語結構的重疊及變化和社會宏觀結構之間的關係。研究發現:1)1980年和2000年的廣告同屬於商業性的公眾話語,但前者混有政治化的話語結構,而後者則夾雜了私人化的話語結構;2)1980年的廣告表現為信息性語體機構為主;而2000年的廣告則更多地表現為信息性語體和感染性語體結構的重疊。本文指出:中國廣告話語結構的重疊及其變化反映了過去二十年間中國從計劃經濟走向市場經濟的轉型。具體來說,是整個社會從政治的泛化走向消費者至上的消費社會的表現,也是廣告業從初級階段走向較高階段的表現。本文希望通過考察話語結構的重疊及其變化為宏觀社會研究或者社會變遷研究提供一個微觀的語言學視角,并嘗試對批評話語分析的話語結構重疊理論提供一個實證及量化的分析方法。 |
Abstract |
Explorations on social-cultural changes in mainland China over the past two decades have primarily been confined to macro-sociological studies. The present study attempts to go beyond the previous studies by taking a micro-discoursal perspective. Adopting the theory of generic intertextuality in Critical Discourse Analysis, the study compares and contrasts the discursive construction of 268 newspaper advertisements in People’s Daily in 1980 and 2000. The study has revealed that 1) Although ads in both 1980 and 2000 belonged to the commercial public discourse, those in 1980 were inclined towards political discourse while those in 2000 tended to denote private discourse; 2) While the ads in 1980 were characterized largely by the informative style, the majority of the ads in 2000 manifested a hybridization of both the informative and the involving styles. A discussion of the changing advertising discourses in relation to the macro-social structures and the underlying ideologies in the past two decades of China is presented. It is hoped that the present study could contribute to the theoretical and methodological development of social-cultural studies as well as to the effort of quantifying intertextual analysis. |
No.69 2024 July |
No.68 2024 April |
No.67 2024 January |
No.66 2023 October |
No.65 2023 July |