April  2007 2
研究論文Research Articles
Representing the Underprivileged: News Media Under Marketization and the Peasant-Migrant Labor Issue in Urban China
作者 李豔紅
Author LI Yanhong
關鍵詞 大陸傳媒,弱勢社群利益表達,傳媒市場化,農民工
Keywords media in mainland China, public representation of underprivileged group, media marketization, peasant-migrant labour
摘要 「農民工」是當代中國社會變革過程中于城市社會出現的一個新生弱勢社群。通過考察中國大陸城市廣州的四家日報對於這個群體之利益密切關聯的一個特定議題﹣﹣「收容遣送議題」﹣﹣的報導,本文分析了在社會劇烈分化的背景下,正在經歷政治約制下之市場化變革過程的城市傳媒與農民工這個弱勢社群的關係,以增加我們對轉型/變遷社會傳媒與弱勢社群關係的認識。本文的發現是,正在經歷市場化改革的城市傳媒在與弱勢社群的關係上正在形成特殊的表現,強市場取向的報紙比市場取向較弱的報紙更加能動地為弱勢社群的利益表達開閉空間。這是因為,在該議題上,強市場取向的報紙比其他各報更多採用了導向弱勢社群訴求表達的新聞實踐方式﹣﹣包括減少政府報導的比重,增加運用民間報導,在民間事件報導中積極扮演揭露者和發現者的角色等;更積極地產述了表達農民工利益訴求的「反論述」;并推動了對農民工群體之利益構成侵害的收容遣送制度的修正和廢除。市場是促進這一過程的主要力量。不過,強市場取向報紙的表現仍有局限,離「為弱勢社群代言」或「弱勢社群立場」的目標尚有距離。
Abstract This study examines the relationship between news media under marketization and one emerging underprivileged group, the peasant-migrant labor group, in contemporary urban China. By analyzing four dailies’ coverage of the issue of detention and extradition of peasant-migrant workers in Guangzhou, it aims to enhance our understanding of the relationship between news media and underprivileged groups in transitional societies. The results of this study indicate that news media in contemporary China differ in their representation of different social groups’ interests: the more market-oriented newspapers are more active than the state-controlled news media in representing the peasant-migrant workers as revealed in its journalism practices and critical discourses. Market force is identified as essential in facilitating this new role of the market-oriented news media. However, the more market-oriented newspapers still fall short of representing the voice of the underprivileged. This paper also discusses the limitations of this study as a case observation, while putting forward some research plans that should be carried out in the future.
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