April  2007 2
研究論文Research Articles
State, Market, and Society: Examining Communication and Power in China from a Critical Perspective
作者 趙月枝
Author Yuezhi ZHAO
關鍵詞 市場、國家、社會、權力、階級、公共領域
Keywords state, market, society, power, class
摘要 本文圍繞權力這一傳播研究的核心問題,梳理當代中國傳播研究所面對的美國實證研究和傳統馬克思主義雙重理論遺產,並檢視研究中一系列不可避免的理論假設、前提性概念和二元對立關係。在此基礎上,本文通過對一些具體問題的闡述,力圖確立中國傳播研究的世界歷史和當代國內外社會權力關係坐標。本文認為,分析全球化語境中的中國傳播與權力關係需要構建一個綜合的理論框架。除了全球視角和歷史意識之外,這還涉及以下方面的突破:第一,避免媒體中心論和傳播本質化,避免把一些重要的分析範疇臉譜化、去歷史化和庸俗化。第二,超越「市場對國家」、「國家對社會」等習以為常的簡單二元邏輯,把國家與市場之間、國家與各種社會力量之間、市場與不同社會階層之間在傳播領域的複雜構建和動態鏈接關係作為分析的重心。第三,克服有關「公共領域」理論中的理性主義和認知主義偏向,在認識論和方法論層面同時從傳播政治經濟學和文化研究中汲取學術資源。第四,在價值層面,超越對「國家專制」和「資本主義剝削」的條件反射式的人文主義負面批評,分析國家與市場的不同賦權和社會壓製本質及相關表現形式,並考慮它們在特定的社會結構中在滿足不同社會成員的文化傳播需求方面的具體功效。
Abstract Centering on the issue of power, a core research problematic, this article critically assesses the dual intellectual legacies of American empirical research and traditional Marxism in Chinese communication research and aims to develop an integrative theoretical framework in this field in a global context. Specifically, the article calls forth the following breakthroughs toward the development of this framework. First, avoid media centrism and communication essentialism by grasping the mutually embedded nature of state, market and society in the constitution of communication institutions and processes; Second, transcend simplistic dichotomies such as those between the “state” and the “market” and the “state” and “society” by analyzing the concrete articulations of power relationships among different social forces in Chinese communication; Third, overcome the rationalistic and cognitivist biases in much of the debate on the “public sphere” by drawing insights from both the political economy and cultural studies perspectives in Western critical communication research; and finally, reject any humanistic knee-jerk reaction against “tyrannical” states and “exploitative” capitalists by examining the specific patterns of communicative inclusion and exclusion enabled by the intersecting logics of the state and the market and by foregrounding the lived experiences and communicative needs of historically-located human subjects in an increasingly stratified Chinese society.
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