October 2007 |
4 |
研究報告Research Repory |
網路選舉資訊使用者的社會背景、心裡特質與傳播行為分析:台灣個案 |
Profiles of Internet Political Campaign Information Users: The Case of Taiwan |
作者 |
胡幼偉、林政谷、林佩霓、陳淑貞 |
Author |
HU Yu Wei, LIN Cheng Ku, LIN Pei Ni, CHEN Shun Jhen |
關鍵詞 |
網路選舉資訊、媒介使用、區別分析 |
Keywords |
e-politics, media use, discriminant analysis |
摘要 |
本研究所欲探究的是,在台灣競選期間觀看網路選舉新聞與沒有使用網路觀看選舉新聞的選民,在社會背景、心理特徵和使用大傳媒介、接觸網路選舉資訊之間的差異性。研究結果顯示,在選舉中,相較於沒有觀看網路選舉新聞的選民而言,觀看網路選舉新聞的選民在社會背景方面,都傾向於呈現男性、年紀較輕、教育程度較高的特性。在心理特徵方面,則呈現政治知識較豐富、政治效能感(political efficacy)較低的特性。至於在傳播行為方面,2004年總統大選的資料顯示,網際網路的選舉信息被民眾視為電視、報紙、廣播等大眾媒介選舉訊息之外的輔助資訊;但是,在2004年立委選舉期間,網際網路卻被部分選民視為最主要的選舉資訊來源。除了社會背景與心裡特質之外,對部分選民而言,選舉形式的重要性高低,也是選民決定在接觸網路選舉資訊之外,是否還要接觸傳統大傳媒介中的選舉資訊的一項影響因素。 |
Abstract |
While the fast development of the Internet had been expected to accelerate the advent of “e-politics” in democratic societies, this study finds that such optimistic projections were not realized in present day Taiwan. The data of two electoral surveys conducted in Taiwan in 2005 indicate that most people still rely on traditional mass media, such as newspapers or television, to acquire electoral information rather than learning about electoral campaigns from the Internet. Results of discriminant analyses show that younger voters with higher educational background are much more likely to use internet electoral
information than their older and less educated fellows. Theoretically, the similarity of electoral information between mass media and internet web sites, as well as the lack of basic computer knowledge and application skills, might lead to some audiences’ avoidance of campaign information in the Internet.
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No.68 2024 April |
No.67 2024 January |
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