October  2007 4
研究論文Research Articles
Analysis of the Regional Differences in Mobile Communication Services in China
作者 華金玲、小檜山賢二
Author HUA Jinling Kenji, KOHIYAMA
關鍵詞 數位落差、移動媒體、通信服務
Keywords digital divide, mobile media, telecommunication services
摘要 通信服務是否公平地得以使用?這是備受關注的社會問題。在中國內地,移動電話和小靈通的普及出現了嚴重的數位落差。而數位落差的相關研究更側重於使用者經濟地位等方面的特徵分析,現實社會需要我們從媒體服務提供角度來綜合性地探討這一問題。本文旨在分析移動通信服務在地區間不同的費用現狀、費用制度的形成以及費用水準與經濟收入之間的平衡關係,並從費用水準透析媒體服務的親和力。
Abstract Whether telecommunication services are fairly used is a social issue of much concern. In mainland China, there is a large digital divide between mobile phones and Xiaolingtong. Research on digital divides formerly emphasized the users’ economical characteristics. A more realistic approach is to explore this situation comprehensively from the media service perspective. This paper analyzes the

regional differences in mobile telecommunication service charges, development of relevant policy, and the balance between such charges and personal income. The paper also analyzes how mobile service charges affect the accessibility of media service.
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