October  2007 4
研究論文Research Articles
電腦中介的新人際溝通型態:MSN Messenger 暱稱之呈現與溝通策略
A New Interaction Type in Computer-Mediated Communication: The Construction and Use of MSN Messenger Nicknames
作者 林玉婷
Author LIN Yuting
關鍵詞 即時通訊軟體、MSN Messenger、暱稱、人際互動
Keywords Instant Messenger, MSN Messenger, nickname, interactive behavior
摘要 本文旨在了解比e-mail即時性更高的即時通訊軟體(Instant Messenger,IM)發展出來後,使用者書寫IM暱稱的行為,暱稱如何呈現並影響人際關係的內涵,以及暱稱在線上溝通互動行為中又佔有何種地位。本文以深度訪談訪問十七位MSN使用者,結果顯示IM溝通是延續電腦中介傳播形式但內涵卻接近人際互動的新溝通態樣。MSN暱稱所產生的溝通狀況是既對內有對外傳遞訊息,因MSN科技形式的影響,暱稱也與匿名或化名不同,其意義脫離純然的身份識別作用,轉變成標示個人所見所思與獨特性的個人名片檔。暱稱中所呈現的自我意涵也相當強烈,為了保護書寫自我的動機,但又能達到對外傳達訊息的目的,使用者發展處多樣化的暱稱書寫策略,是不同於一般人際互動與電腦中介互動的模式。
Abstract This article examines the construction and use of Instant Messenger (IM) nicknames as well as the role the nicknames plays in online interactive behavior. My interviews of 17 MSN users showed that the IM communication follows the rules of the Computer-Mediated Communication form, but is also more similar to the Face-to-Face interaction model. Self-generated MSN nicknames are not only used to convey identity, but to reflect the users’ feelings at different times. Sometimes, other users will misinterpret the nickname’s intended message or image. Therefore, users create many interactive strategies to protect their personal motives for their nicknames and to moderate online interactive behavior resulting from the nicknames. These interactive behaviors are significantly different from

Face-to-Face interaction and Computer-Mediated Communication.
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