October  2007 4
研究論文Research Articles
An Analysis of Chinese News Discourse on Farmers
作者 楊慧瓊
Author Bodhi YOUNG
關鍵詞 農民、話語分析、話語權、農民工
Keywords farmers, discourse analysis, right of expression, migrant workers
摘要 本文採用話語分析方法,使用樊•迪克的文本超結構理論和語用學中的言有所為原理,以進城務工者和市民為參照群體、農民群體為中心群體,通過分析三個群體的新聞話語的超結構、超結構特點、服務資訊中的聲音和政策類新聞,得出結論:農民在新聞話語裏沒有說甚麼,不是完成言語行為的主體;同時也沒有被恰當地談論;農民『他』不被考慮為是『對話』的物件。整體來看,新聞話語表現出來的新聞主體(媒介)和農民群體之間的關係不僅是單向的,而且彼此疏離。這種單向而疏離的關係直接源於擁有書寫權力的媒介對農民群體的忽視,間接源於兩種社會語境:體制內的宣傳者和市場經濟下的盈利者。
Abstract Following T. van Dijk’s approach to discourse analysis, this paper analyzes Chinese news discourse on farmers and migrant workers. The study finds that farmers and migrant workers are excluded from “dialogues” in news media communication. As a result, these groups are under-represented in the news

media, negatively affecting their relationship to urban dwelling news audiences, either as subjects or objects of the news. The study finds that these consequences stem from the news media’s roles in both propagation of official perspectives and in the communications market economy.
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