October  2008 5
研究論文Research Articles
Japanese Consumption in the Information-Internet Society: A Symbolic Interaction and Hermeneutic Phenomenology Approach
作者 陳怡廷、桑原武夫
Author CHEN Yi-ting, Takeo KUWAHARA
關鍵詞 網路社會、符號互動論、解釋現象學、跨文化研究
Keywords internet society, symbolic interaction, hermeneutic phenomenology, cross-cultural research
摘要 網路社會充斥大量的文化符碼(包含設計、符號及溝通),在這個完全符號化的網路社會中,利用符號意義的解釋,可解除並瞭解網路社會間接呈現的某社會現象的『存在』。本研究運用符號互動論及解釋現象學等質性研究手法,說明如何透過傳播內容,詮釋符號的意義,從消費經驗脈絡中剝啄消費取向並再思其消費現象的本質。本文特別透過日本美容消費的個案研究,從跨文化研究的視角,希冀藉由文中所示的研究概念及方法步驟,提供未來相關區域文化研究之蹊徑。
Abstract This research examines consumption patterns in network society and the accompanying phenomenon through analyzing network community sites. By using a Symbolic Interaction and Hermeneutic Phenomenology approach, Japanese community network sites are analyzed and the differences in individual background and consumption experience in bulletin board in Japan are pointed out, followed by a through case study of cosmetics goods. This research will try to apply the analysis of community network sites to find out if this research method can be successfully applied in cross-cultural research.
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