October 2008 |
5 |
研究論文Research Articles |
搞關係、玩面子:記者面對消息來源的衝突化解策略 |
Guanxi and Facework: Reporters’ Conflict Resolution Strategies with Sources |
作者 |
黃彥翔 |
Author |
HWANG Yen-shyang |
關鍵詞 |
記者、消息來源、關係主義、面子功夫、衝突化解 |
Keywords |
Reporter, source, guanxi, face-work, conflict resolution |
摘要 |
過去研究記者與消息來源之衝突的研究系統性不足,也沒有處理華人文化中『人際關係』的特殊性。本文用華人關係主義的衝突化解模式來分析記者與消息來源的關係。分析深度訪談得到的資料發現,雙方互動時,記者會先進行『關係判斷』,將人際關係區分為『縱向內圍體』、『橫向內圍體』與『橫向外圍體』。在『縱向內圍體』中,記者為了保持和諧,會顧對方的面子,或是『陽奉陰違』完成新聞工作。若要修補關係,則是透過『迂迴溝通』的方式。在『橫向內圍體』中,雙方互給面子維持關係,但也可能明爭暗鬥、直接溝通。至於『橫向外圍體』中,平常大家禮尚往來,但若要達成目標,則可能出現對抗。第三人出面調解,則是常見的解決方式。 |
Abstract |
Reporters must adopt certain strategies to avoid conflicts in order to stay on the news beat. However, conflict resolution strategies have yet to be studied systematically, and those researchers did not emphasize “Guanxi.” The Chinese Conflict Resolution Model is used to analyze the interaction between reporters and sources in this thesis. By analyzing the data gathered through in-depth
interviews, a reporter will judge his/her guanxi with sources and find an appropriate way to interact with those people both with and through guanxi Human relations can be categorized into vertical in-group, horizontal in-group, and horizontal out-group. In the vertical in-group, the reporter tends to endure so as to maintain the source’s “face”. If he/she wants to complete his personal goal, he/she will adopt the “obey publicly and defy privately” attitude toward the source. Indirect communication is needed if he/she wants to coordinate with the source. In the horizontal in-group, they mutually give face to one another to avoid conflict. Compromise doesn’t guarantee peace all the time; they could fight overtly and struggle covertly to attain each other’s goal, and communicate directly to solve the problem. In the horizontal out-group, the participants have apparent agreement. However, confrontation will happen if they have different goals. Severance between them will not end until a third-party mediator appears.
No.69 2024 July |
No.68 2024 April |
No.67 2024 January |
No.66 2023 October |
No.65 2023 July |