October 2008 |
5 |
研究論文Research Articles |
從『反貪腐倒扁運動』檢視其框架策略與議題建構 |
The Framing and Agenda Building Strategies of the “Anti-Corruption Depose-Chen Campaign” |
作者 |
張依依、封國晨 |
Author |
關鍵詞 |
框架、議題建構、媒體近用、媒介策略、社會運動 |
Keywords |
framing, agenda building, media access, media strategy, social Campaign |
摘要 |
本研究以紅衫軍『反貪腐倒扁運動』為個案,從倒扁官網及《中國時報》、《聯合報》、《自由時報》三報的報道,抽繹出七個議題,作為論述架構,並從『消息來源』和『媒體』的層次,分析其框架策略與議題建構,結果發現社運組織在框架社會運動時,先用『情境框架』定位暨聯結公眾,然後以『屬性框架』、『風險框架』統整及強化訴求,再提出『責任框架』點出應負責的人,最後運用『行動框架』成功的促使群眾展開行動。 |
Abstract |
This case study is a discourse analysis of a/the “Anti-corruption, depose-Chen” campaign’s framing and agenda building strategies. The seven major issues used as the foundation of the research were abstracted from three newspapers: The China Times, United Daily News and The Liberty Times, and
contents of the official campaign website. The research finds that when an organization is framing a social campaign, the framing of the situation is the first strategy used for positioning and linking the publics. The second strategy is the framing of attributes and risky choices; this strategy augments, consolidates and strengthens the appeal of the movement. The third strategy is the framing of responsibility, specifying who should be responsible for the status quo. The final strategy is framing of action, which encourages publics to take action. With these strategies, the organization can transform their appeal into issues with news value. When news reports appear in the media, the strategy of framing of issues have been successfully achieved. Unlike previous studies, this research is the first of its kind to utilize a “sources vs. media” perspective to study the framing strategy of a campaign. It also explores how sources utilize their privileged media access to build media agenda to meet their campaign purpose.
No.69 2024 July |
No.68 2024 April |
No.67 2024 January |
No.66 2023 October |
No.65 2023 July |