October  2008 5
研究論文Research Articles
Impact of Internet Pornography on Adolescents’ Sexual Attitudes and Behavior
作者 羅文輝、吳筱玫、向倩儀、劉蕙苓
Author LO Ven-hwei, WU Hsiaomei, HSIANG Chien-yi, LIU Huei-Ling
關鍵詞 網路色情、性態度、性行為、強暴迷思、互動性、青少年
Keywords Internet pornography, sexual attitudes, sexual behavior, rape myths, interactivity, adolescent
摘要 本研究採用問卷調查法探討台灣青少年收看網路色情的情況,及網路色情與互動性活動對他們性態度與性行為的影響,公訪問1,688位高中生。研究結果發現,在本研究列出的各種色情媒介中,青少年收看比例最高的是網路色情。此外,本研究也發現,網路色情的收視頻率與從事互動性網路色情活動的頻率,是預測青少年性態度、性行為與強暴迷思的顯著變項,愈常收看網路色情、愈常從事互動性網路色情活動的青少年,愈傾向認為和偶然認識的人發生性行為是可以接受的行為,也愈可能接受婚外性行為,並且愈傾向接受強暴迷思。
Abstract This study examines the use of Internet pornography by Taiwanese adolescents and the effects on their sexual attitudes and behavior. Data used for this study came from a survey of 1,668 high school students in Taipei, Taiwan. Results show that Taiwanese adolescents used Internet pornography more

frequently than traditional pornographic sources such as magazines, books and comics. Further, exposure to Internet pornography was associated with greater acceptance of sexual permissiveness and the greater likelihood of engaging in sexually permissive behavior. Most important, exposure to Internet pornography was also associated with greater acceptance of rape myths.
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