April 2018 |
44 |
研究論文Research Articles |
模式節目再生產中跨地多民族的華人共同體建構 —— 以《中國好聲音》為例 |
The Construction of Cross Spaces and a Multi-ethnic Chinese Community in Format Reproduction: A Case Study of The Voice of China |
作者 |
章宏、戴穎潔 |
Author |
Hong ZHANG, Yingjie DAI |
關鍵詞 |
《中國好聲音》、模式節目再生產、華人共同體、法團主義、集體主義 |
Keywords |
The Voice of China, TV format reproduction, Chinese community, corporatism, collectivism |
摘要 |
本尼迪克特・安德森認為國家和民族是「想像的共同體」,其構建和維持主要依賴大眾媒體來完成。全球化時代,電視媒體成為書寫中華民族多元一體的重要載體。民族主義敘事,想像共同體構建,成為政黨和電視節目製作方所共同青睞的文化生產領域。這種將政治宣傳和娛樂功能相結合的法團主義策略,不僅是身處全球化浪潮中的第三世界國家重視本民族主體性建設的現實需要,同時也是遊走於政治和市場夾縫中的中國電視產業的主要生存策略。本文以模式節目《中國好聲音》為個案,將文本分析作為主要研究方法,同時結合田野調研和深度訪談,發現《中國好聲音》再生產過程中,通過注入「四海一家親」的國家意志,創設「天涯共此時」的跨時空體驗,弘揚華語音樂形式和文化,詮釋「集體主義」文化價值觀等策略性安排,建構出跨地多民族的「華人共同體」;在強化全球華人身份歸屬的同時,提升他們對中華文化的價值認同和聚合力,最終實現主導意識形態和經濟利益的共贏。 |
Abstract |
The concept of the “imagined community” was put forward by Benedict Anderson, who argued for the importance of printed media in the construction of nationhood. In the era of globalization and mass media, television has played a key role in building the cultural sovereignty of the global Chinese community. In order to survive the severe market competition and to serve political propaganda, Chinese TV producers have increasingly adopted the strategy of corporatism to balance the political requirements of a nationalist narrative and the audience’s need for entertainment. Supported by textual analysis, in-depth interviews, and participant observations, this paper argues that the format program The Voice of China has successfully constructed the global Chinese community by promoting the political will of “all Chinese people belong to one Chinese family,” creating festive experiences cross space and time, promoting Chinese music and culture, and expressing collectivist values. These flexible and diversified narrative techniques are aimed to strengthen the identity of the global Chinese community and enhance the audience’s recognition of the Chinese cultural tradition and national cohesion. As a result, the format program The Voice of China has received both economic benefits and positive political appraisals.
章宏、戴穎潔(2018)。〈模式節目再生產中跨地多民族的華人共同體建構——以《中國好聲音》為例〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第44 期,頁85–110。
Citation of this article:
Zhang H., & Dai, Y. (2018). The construction of cross spaces and a multi-ethnic Chinese community in format reproduction: A case study of The Voice of China. Communication & Society, 44, 85–110.
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