April  2018 44
研究論文Research Articles
Online Community in the “Floating Life”: An Anthropological Study of the Use of Social Media among the New Generation of Chinese Rural Migrants
作者 王心遠
Author Xinyuan WANG
關鍵詞 社交媒體、社會網絡、線上社區、流動人口、現代化
Keywords social media, social network, online community, floating population, modernity
摘要 本研究基於2013年至2014年之間,位於中國浙江的一個工業小鎮T鎮1所進行的15個月的人類學民族誌研究。研究關注中國農村移民的社交媒體使用,並以此為切入口探討社交媒體的社會影響與當代中國的諸多變革。基於線上與線下結合的田野調查,本篇論文集中討論新生代農村移民如何在「流動」的日常生活中建構社區認同,同時,新的人際交往與傳播模式是如何在社交媒體的使用中形成。研究發現,大量的農村移民在流動遷徒過程中面臨著人際交往危機與認同危機。在這一背景下,社交媒體為農村移民提供了一個相較於線下生活更為穩定、更為理想的社交平台。依託於社交媒體的線上社區,已經成為了農村移民日常中極為重要的新的居所。新生代農村移民的社交媒體使用是「網絡個人主義」的新詮釋。
Abstract Based on a 15-month (2013–2014) ethnographical study that was conducted in a small factory town in Zhejiang province, China, this project explores the daily use of social media among the new generation of Chinese rural migrants as well as the social effects of social media and the social transformations in contemporary China. Drawing from field work conducted both offline and online, this paper focuses on the construction of community in the floating life of Chinese rural migrants and the ways new social relations and communication patterns develop using social media. In their "floating life" of rural-to-urban migration, rural migrants face crises in terms of interpersonal relations and the sense of belonging. The findings showed that by using social media, these migrants created a relatively stable and ideal social life. Their online community had become an essential part—a new "dwelling place"—of the migrants’ lives. The social media use among the new generation of rural migrants is a new interpretation of "networked individualism."


王心遠(2018)。〈流動生活中的線上社區:中國新生代農村移民社交媒體使用的人類學研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第44 期,頁151–180。

Citation of this article:

Wang, X. (2018). Online community in the “floating life”: An anthropological study of the use of social media among the new generation of Chinese rural migrants. Communication & Society, 44, 151–180.
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