April 2018 |
44 |
研究論文Research Articles |
今晚,廟埕開講了!社區健康促進與傳播的新試驗 |
Chatting in Front of the Temple at Night: A New Trial of Health Promotion and Communication in Communities |
作者 |
盧鴻毅、林裕珍、李雅莉、黃靖琇、侯心雅、馬立君、安碧芸 |
Author |
Hung-Yi LU, Yu-Chen LIN, Ya-Li LI, Ching-Hsiu HUANG, Hsin-Ya HOU, Li-Chun MA, Pi-Yun AN |
關鍵詞 |
社區、文化、健康促進、健康傳播 |
Keywords |
community, culture, health promotion, health communication |
摘要 |
本研究針對2013–2015年於台灣嘉義縣社區所進行的健康促進宣導活動進行參與式研究,了解社區居民對「廟埕開講」介入活動的感受為何,並探討「廟埕開講」對鄉村型社區居民的健康促進行為產生哪些影響。整個研究共分為兩個階段,第一個階段是從文化的角度切入,並採用娛樂教育策略,於嘉義縣內16個鄉鎮進行健康促進與傳播的介入活動,以激發社區居民表現健康促進行為的動機。通常,「廟埕開講」活動正式進行前,研究團隊會先與參與活動的社區居民歡唱卡拉OK、跳舞,並一起在廟埕共食,而活動正式進行時,除口頭進行健康促進教育之外,還輔以具有動畫、照片或影片的教材;當研究進入第二階段時,研究團隊於「廟埕開講」介入活動結束後,邀請19位參加過「廟埕開講」的社區居民進行一對一深度訪談,訪談結果發現,受訪者覺得選擇廟埕作為健康促進及傳播介入活動的場域是不錯的作法,他們比較喜歡透過具娛樂性的活動學習健康促進知識,宣導教材的內容也應力求簡單易懂,受訪者並認為「廟埕開講」反映了政府單位瞭解文化敏感度在健康促進與傳播介入活動中的重要性。 |
Abstract |
A participatory research was conducted from 2013 to 2015 in communities in Chia-yi County in Taiwan. The research not only explored residents’ attitudes toward community-based intervention but also investigated the effectiveness of the intervention “Chatting in front of the Temple” on health promotion among residents in these rural communities. The study was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, attempts were made to conduct community-based health promotion interventions from the perspective of cultural sensitivity. Health promotion practitioners in 16 communities in Chia- Yi Country and entertainment education strategies were employed to motivate residents to engage in health promotion behavior. When the “Chatting in front of the Temple” activity started, community residents sang karaoke, ate dinner, and danced before sitting in front of the temple to learn about health promotion. The health promotion practitioners in the activity also developed some interesting materials (e.g., animation, pictures, and videos) to pique the residents’ interest. In the second phase of the research, a qualitative study using face-to-face interviews with 19 community residents who participated in the “Chatting in front of the Temple” activity was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of community-based health promotion interventions. The findings of the study showed that the participants regarded the plaza of the temple an effective location for health practitioners to impart messages related to health promotion to community residents. The residents preferred easy-to-understand information regarding health promotion through entertainment-based activities. The residents emphasized that the “Chatting in front of the Temple” intervention reflected the government’s increasing recognition of the significant role of culture as a factor that is associated with health behaviors.
Citation of this article:
Lu, H.-Y., Lin, Y.-C., Li, Y.-L., Huang, C.-H., Hou H.-Y., Ma, L.-C., & An, P.-Y. (2018). Chatting in front of the temple at night: A new trial of health promotion and communication in communities. Communication & Society, 44, 181–224.
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