April 2020 |
52 |
學術對談Dialogue |
互聯網研究、國際合作與ICA 的進一步國際化:和汪炳華對談 |
Internet Research, International Collaboration, and the Further Internationalization of ICA: A Dialogue with Ang Peng Hwa |
作者 |
汪炳華、邱林川、趙宇超 |
Author |
ANG Peng Hwa, Jack Linchuan QIU, Yuchao ZHAO |
摘要 |
「在中國和印度,我們都缺乏足夠的合作。合作不是一場零和遊戲。如果你知曉如何合作並創造雙贏局面,人人皆可受益。合作精神至關重要。」 |
Abstract |
In this dialogue, Professor Ang Peng Hwa reflects on his journey into communication studies and into Internet policy research, from Singapore to the United States, back to Asia at large, and at the global level. From a unique Singaporean perspective that is simultaneously global and multidisciplinary, he discusses his numerous projects since 1994 that have enjoyed wide influence in academic as well as policy-analysts communities such as at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). These also include his recent comparative projects that involve large countries such as India as well as relatively small nations such as Bhutan. Professor Ang sheds light on his various roles in ICA (International Communication Association) including as the main host of ICA Singapore in 2010 and as ICA President. He shares his vision on a further internationalized ICA, on the contributions of regional networks such as AMIC (Asian Media and Information and Communication Center), and on the special need for Asian communication scholars to develop and practice our collaboration skills for better community-building, globally and regionally.
汪炳華、邱林川、趙宇超(2020)。〈互聯網研究、國際合作與ICA 的進一步國際化:和汪炳華對談〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第52期,頁1–25。
Citation of this article:
Ang, P. H., Qiu, J. L., & Zhao, Y. (2020). Internet research, international collaboration, and the further internationalization of ICA: A dialogue with Ang Peng Hwa. Communication & Society, 52, 1–25.
No.69 2024 July |
No.68 2024 April |
No.67 2024 January |
No.66 2023 October |
No.65 2023 July |