October  2021 58
ICA年度雙語論文ICA Annual Bilingual Paper
For the Greater Good: The Role of News Attention and Culture in Affecting Americans’ Biased Perceptions of News about Coronavirus Pandemic and Effecting Prevention
作者 魏然、李若筠
Author Ran WEI, Queenie Jo-Yun LI
關鍵詞 新冠病毒、第三人效果、個人主義、集體主義、防疫行為
Keywords coronavirus pandemic, third-person effects, individualism, collectivism, preventive measures
摘要 本研究檢視接觸新冠病毒相關新聞如何影響美國閱聽人的認知與行為。根據對1,094名美國民眾進行的在線調查數據,本研究探索新聞關注和文化取向如何塑造美國民眾對新冠病毒新聞的第三人效果認知。研究結果發現,受訪者普遍認為其他人比自己更易受相關新聞影響。然而,閱聽人對新冠病毒新聞的關注及集體主義價值觀會降低他們對新聞影響的第三人效果認知偏差。此外,集體主義價值觀和新聞對自我影響的認知,是受訪民眾採取防疫措施(例如戴口罩和保持社交距離)的重要預測變項。綜上所述,本研究顯示,集體主義價值觀是預測病毒風險認知和採取預防措施的關鍵變項。本研究從文化價值觀角度,解釋閱聽人對新冠病毒相關新聞之第三人效果,對第三人效果理論具有相當的貢獻。
Abstract The novel coronavirus (a.k.a. COVID-19) pandemic has hit America hard. This study examines the perceptual and behavioral effects of up-to-date news about confirmed COVID 19 cases and deaths. Using data collected from an online survey of 1,094 Americans, the role of media use pattern and cultural orientations in shaping Americans’ perception of the pandemic and behavioral responses was explored. Results show that respondents generally believed other Americans were more impacted by the latest news on infections and mortalities. However, the more they paid attention to the news, and the more they were oriented toward collectivist values, the less biased were their perceptions of the impact of such news. Finally, collectivist value orientation and perceived effects of the news on the self are significant predictors of adopting preventive measures, such as masking up and keeping social distance. Taken together, the results show that collectivist value orientation is a key micro-psychometric level predictor of risk perceptions and adoption of preventive actions. This study contributes to the third-person effects theory by offering a cultural explanation of biased perception concerning the impact of pandemic news and behavioral consequences of that biased perception.

本文引用格式﹕魏然、李若筠(2021)。〈為人為己:新聞關注和文化取向如何影響美國民眾對新冠病毒的認知與防疫行為〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第58 期,頁203–253。

Citation of this article: Wei, R., & Li, Q. J.-Y. (2021). For the greater good: The role of news attention and culture in affecting Americans’ biased perceptions of news about coronavirus pandemic and effecting prevention. Communication and Society, 58, 203–253.
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