October  2021 58
研究論文Research Articles
Mobile Dating Apps Uses by Adolescents: Motivations, Social Risks, and Moderators
作者 譚躍、郭莘
Author Yue TAN, Hsin KUO
關鍵詞 使用與滿足、交友軟體、社交風險、青少年、家長介入行為
Keywords uses and gratifications theory, mobile dating applications, social risks, adolescents, parental mediation
摘要 近年來交友軟體興起,其於行動載具使用、可匿名性、私訊互動、地點配對的使用特性為青少年帶來社交便利,也伴隨著風險。基於使用與滿足理論,本研究欲探討青少年使用交友軟體的動機、社交風險行為及其調節因素(家長介入行為、青少年年齡、性別和自戀程度)。本研究透過在青少年常常拜訪的網站上張貼連結的便利抽樣方式進行問卷調查。在2018 年4 至5月期間共回收512 份15–17歲青少年的問卷。其中473位曾經在過去一年使用過交友軟體,本研究以此族群的問卷資料作為分析資料。

Abstract Mobile dating applications have increased in popularity among adolescents in recent years, which has exposed them to various types of social risks. Based on the uses and gratifications theory, this research aims to investigate the moderators of the effects of adolescents’ motivations for using mobile dating apps on their social risks. In this study, an online survey was disseminated through popular websites among adolescents in April and May 2018. The participants included 512 adolescents aged 15 to 17 years. Among them, 473 had used mobile dating apps at least once in the previous year, and their responses to the questionnaire provided the data used in the analysis. The survey results showed that most of the adolescents in this study did not use mobile dating apps frequently. Killing time, curiosity, and making new friends were the strongest motivations. Among various types of social risks, the adolescents most often disclosed their personal information. Both physical and social needs directly enhanced social risks. However, only physical motivation indirectly influenced social risks through the usage of mobile dating apps. Instructive parental mediation can only decrease the usage of mobile dating apps caused by entertainment motivation.

本文引用格式﹕譚躍、郭莘(2021)。〈青少年使用移動交友軟體的動機和社交風險及其調節因素〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第58 期,頁29–59。

Citation of this article: Tan, Y., & Kuo, H. (2021). Mobile dating apps uses by adolescents: Motivations, social risks, and moderators. Communication and Society, 58, 29–59.
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