April  2022 60
研究論文Research Articles
Isolated Disasters: News Frames and Disaster Narratives of Six Major Accidents
作者 閆岩、劉子琨
Author Yan YAN, Zikun LIU
關鍵詞 事故、災難敘事、災難記憶、新聞框架
Keywords accident, disaster narrative, disaster memory, news frame
摘要 天災人禍以其對生命的巨大威脅,往往成為意義重大的社會事件。人們依賴大眾媒體獲取事件的進程、損失、傷亡等信息,更依賴媒體敘事獲得歸因、問責、祭奠、緬懷等關乎災難闡釋和生死觀念的認知與想像。本研究以六起被正式國家公祭的重特大事故為研究對象,通過分析事發一年內中國內地重要媒體的新聞文本,考察事故新聞框架、災難敘事及其變遷形態。研究認為,六起災難的新聞框架在整體上是事件驅動型的國家行為再記錄,在黃金72 小時、頭七、月祭、週年等重要節點上,均表現出官方主導的「救災」式範本。具體事故的災難敘事則受事故性質、地域文化、受難者特徵等內部和外部因素的影響。這種「被個別詮釋」的災難敘事淡化了事故對整體性社會秩序的衝擊,是一種兼具新聞性和政治性的災難建構方略。
Abstract Natural and human-made disasters are important social events, partially because they threaten lives. People rely on media reports for updated information on the processes, losses, and casualties of disasters. They also rely on media narratives for interpretations of attributions, responsibilities, commemorations, and memories of catastrophes. This study explored the news coverage of six major disasters that were officially commemorated by the state in Chinese mainland. The news frames and narrative patterns in the one-year aftermath of these disasters were examined. The results showed that the news frames of the six disasters were event-driven rerecordings of state actions that indicated an official “disaster relief” template at every important time point. The disaster narratives of specific accidents were influenced by both internal and external factors, such as the nature of the accident, regional culture, and the characteristics of the victims. This “individually interpreted” disaster narrative downplayed the effects on the social order, thereby constructing a disaster strategy that was both effectively newsworthy and politically correct.

閆岩、劉子琨(2022)。〈被個別詮釋的災難:六起特大事故的新聞框架與災難敘事〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第60 期,頁57–90。

Citation of this article:
Yan, Y., & Liu, Z. (2022). Isolated disasters: News frames and disaster narratives of six major accidents. Communication and Society, 60, 57–90.
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