April  2024 68
研究論文Research Articles
Influence of the Political Identity of the New Generation of Migrant Workers on Institutionalized Online Political Participation— Analysis of the Moderating Mediation Effect Based on Short Videos of Government Affairs
作者 謝澤杭、于晶
Author Zehang XIE, Jing YU
關鍵詞 新生代農民工、政治認同、制度化網絡政治參與、政務短視 頻、政治效能感
Keywords new generation of migrant workers, political identity, institutionalized online political participation, short videos of government affairs, political efficacy
摘要 隨著互聯網技術不斷發展,政治傳播渠道更為多元,線上社交媒體,尤其是政務短視頻平台,逐漸成為制度化政治參與新路徑。為洞察新生代農民工政治認同對制度化網絡政治參與的影響,本研究基於強化螺旋模型,以政務短視頻感知有用性作為中介變量、政治效能感為調節變量,進行有調節的中介效應分析。研究發現,高政治效能感的新生代農民工,其政治認同在直接效應和中介效應下均可對制度化網絡政治參與產生正向影響,且中介效應的影響程度大於直接效應。對低政治效能感的新生代農民工而言,政治認同必須在政務短視頻感知有用性這一中介作用下方可正向影響制度化網絡政治參與。研究認為,政務短視頻是公權力對技術賦權邏輯的優化,即由政黨作背書,為新生代農民工構築穩定安全的制度化網絡政治參與平台。這一方面有利於消解資本邏輯下算法機制對新生代農民工的「信息繭房」等不良影響,儘可能實現更廣泛的參與,另一方面有助於維護穩定的輿論生態,防止短視頻算法邏輯下產生的「群體極化」現象。研究結果支持了強化螺旋模型,認為該模型很大程度上受到媒介本身屬性的影響,內容信息本身、媒介的互動機制難易程度,都會對強化螺旋模型的有效性產生影響。
Abstract As Internet technology has advanced, the channels for political communication have become increasingly diverse. In addition, online social media, particularly short videos of government affairs, continue to emerge as new avenues for institutionalized political participation. To gain insights into the influence of the new generation of migrant workers’ political identity on institutionalized online political participation, this study applied the perceived usefulness of short videos of government affairs as the mediating variable and political efficacy as the moderating variable. A moderated mediating effect analysis was conducted based on the reinforcing spirals model. The results showed that the new generation of migrant workers had a strong sense of political efficacy, and their political identity had positive direct and mediating effects on institutionalized online political participation. The mediating effect was greater than the direct effect. The results also showed that for the new generation of migrant workers with weak political efficacy, political identity positively influenced institutionalized online political participation through the mediating effect of the perceived usefulness of short videos of government affairs. The results suggest that short videos of government affairs platforms represent the optimization of the logic of technological empowerment by a public authority endorsed by a political party that constructs a stable and secure platform for the new generation of migrant workers to participate in institutionalized network politics. On one hand, it is helpful to eliminate the adverse effects of the “information cocoon house” on the new generation of migrant workers under capital logic and the algorithmic mechanism to achieve the widest possible participation. On the other hand, it helps maintain a stable public opinion ecology and prevents “group polarization” under the logic of short video algorithms. Although the results support the reinforcing spirals model, they indicate that the model is affected by the attributes of the media. The content and the difficulty of interacting with media may influence the effectiveness of the reinforcement spiral model.


Citation of this article:
Xie, Z., & Yu, J. (2024). Influence of the political identity of the new generation of migrant workers on institutionalized online political participation—Analysis of the moderating mediation effect based on short videos of government affairs. Communication and Society, 68, 45–84.
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
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