July  2024 69
研究論文Research Articles
Rebuilding the Local: Relevance Reconstruction and Media Manifestation in the Transformation of Unit System Communities
作者 徐婧
Author Jing XU
關鍵詞 地方、單位制、關聯性、空間轉型、空間媒介化
Keywords local unit community, spatial, social transformation
摘要 改革開放四十餘年來,中國社會轉型對社會結構及其中人的社會關聯產生了深遠影響。研究聚焦改革開放後,一個西北內陸城市的單位制社區在轉型過程中人的關聯變革及其「地方性」的消失與重建,並著力探索上述再造過程中空間的媒介化顯現。研究以馬克思主義人文地理學和段義孚的地方概念為理論資源和解釋框架,使用口述史與線上民族誌深入田野社區。研究發現:轉型前的單位制社區是改革開放前中國城市空間和社會關係的主要組織形式,其賦予了當時社會中的人及其社會關聯獨特的地方性。伴隨著社會轉型的深入,基於政治身份的社會主義單位制的地方關聯消逝,新的空間關係和地方關聯通過空間的公-私轉化、人-物質關係的商品化,以及社交媒體的技術接入再造交往空間,創造了一種有別於當下資本化城市空間及其空間關係的新樣態:一個充滿情感和記憶的城市「縫隙」,一種空間媒介化顯現的具體過程,以及空間-社會-人多重勾連的具體進路。
Abstract Focusing on a typical unit system community in a northwest inland city after China’s reform and opening up, this study explored the impact of social transformation on “local” nature and reconstruction. Through field research, this study examined the reconstruction of human relevance in spatial transformation and the emergence of urban spatial media. The research focused on the process of rebuilding the association of unit-based communities in the context of China’s transitional period, as well as exploring and revealing the connections between social transformation, spatial order, and media. Critical theory and Yi-Fu Tuan’s concept of the local were applied as an explanation framework. Oral history and online ethnography were the main research methods. The findings showed that, as special era spaces and orders, unit-based communities lost their local connections during the transformation, while new local connections were produced through several dimensions, such as the public-private transformation of space, the commercialization of humanmaterial relationships, and the reconstruction of communication spaces through new media platforms, thus creating a capitalist-oriented urban space and spatial relationships that differed from the current market-oriented and commodifieddominated ones, which constitute a “gap” in the memories of the city.

徐婧(2024)。〈重建「地方」:單位制社區轉型中的關聯再造與媒介化顯現〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第69 期,頁17–50。

Citation of this article:
Xu, J. (2024). Rebuilding the local: Relevance reconstruction and media manifestation in the transformation of unit system communities. Communication and Society, 69, 17–50.
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
No.66  2023 October
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