October  2024 70
The New Order of Cyber Space Regulation: Power, Control, and Governance
作者 對談人:姬德強、黃楚新、郭中實、王丹、黃磊
Author Discussants: Deqiang JI, Chuxin HUANG, Zhongshi GUO, Dan WANG, Lei HUANG
摘要 「目前我們可以看到兩種趨勢:一種是非政治的話語實踐,變得更加多元乃至極端多元,廣大用戶群體按照自身興趣和意願構建著屬於自己的話語世界,不同的世界之間甚至『老死不相往來』;另一種是政治化的話語實踐,正在走向兩個極端,其一是高度管控所塑造的話語同一性,儘管其中也存在著真假同一問題;其二是缺乏管控的話語極化或者說極端的話語表達乃至對立,以民粹主義為代表的更具表層傳播力和情感動員力的政治話語正在『摧城拔寨』,將冷靜的觀察、複雜的思考、慎重的表達推至公共輿論的邊緣地帶。」—— 姬德強教授

「在傳統意義上的新聞生產消失的情況下:新聞生產方式根據算法採寫,套用一定的模板進行創作,內容形式單一,同質化問題嚴重,且缺少人文關懷,影響受眾多元信息的接收。傳統新聞生產通常有著嚴格的新聞倫理和新聞價值觀,確保新聞的真實性和公正性;如果傳統新聞生產消失,去『中心化』的信息生產方式易使受眾接觸到的網絡信息良莠不齊、真假難辨,嚴重影響受眾對新聞的信任度和滿意度。同時,通過算法推送的新聞信息被限制在一定範圍之內,用戶的媒介接觸也因此不斷被固化,極易導致用戶信息視野的狹窄和思維的僵化。」—— 黃楚新教授
Abstract Depending on where one stands, the cyberspace can be thought of either as a site for discursive emancipation to be celebrated or as a threat to dominant discourse warranting containment. The former typically implies the latter, especially in societies where the press is granted limited measures of self-determination. While the power unleashed by new media technology is yet to be fully appraised, scholars agree that the time-cherished professionalism in newsmaking is being dethroned. Increasingly taking its place is a new set of routines and a platform-based business model that privilege click-rate, metrics, sensory stimulation, and audience balkanization over people and public interest. Enter media convergence. As a state-headed massive media digitalization campaign, convergence in China started with news organizations as the primary sites of reform and evolved into a co-opted integration of various actors in the realm of platforms and networks. In the process of this multi-role interplay, two major characteristics emerged in the country’s internet ecology: one is a pluralistic space where exchange of ideas is limited; the other is discourse dominated by the state apparatus. This situation gives theoretical salience and historical urgency to discussions of cyberspace regulation and governance. Based on their decade-long emersion into the reality and research of the technology-information relationship as the State Key Laboratory of Media Convergence and Secretary General of Academy of Social Science, the two invited scholars offer valuable insights beyond the façade of change into the deeper meaning and implications of digital news production and the fate of journalism in China.


Citation of this article:
Ji, D., Huang, C., Guo, Z., Wang, D., & Huang, L. (2024). The new order of cyber space regulation: Power, control, and governance. Communication and Society, 70, 1–21.
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
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