January  2025 71
傳播論壇Communication Forum
Digital Association or Symbolic Interaction? A Discussion with Prof. Du Junfei
作者 肖小穗
Author Xiaosui XIAO
關鍵詞 符號互動、數字交往、交往主體、媒介化、未來傳播學
Keywords symbolic interaction, digital association, subjects of communication, mediatization, future communication studies
摘要 近年來傳播學界出現了一種傾向,過度強調數字交往技術的革命性影響。杜駿飛教授(2024)最近在《傳播與社會學刊》發表的〈數字交往的觀念〉代表了這一趨向。杜認為未來的傳播學應超越傳統的語言溝通手段(communication),轉而關注行為層面的交往(association),並將數字交往視為未來交往活動的主導模式。但本文認為,語言溝通、符號互動作為人類交往的基本形式,不會因為外部技術條件和媒介環境的變化而發生根本性改變。本文旨在探討數字交往的本質,並在如何看待、談論和理解數字交往的本體、主體及人在數字時代何以為人等重大問題上闡明自己的態度和看法。
Abstract In recent years, there has been an inclination within the field of communication to overly accentuate the transformative impact of digital association technology. Prof. Du Junfei’s (2024) article “Digital Association: Conceptual Elaboration” in Communication and Society epitomizes this trend. Du posits that future studies in communication should transcend traditional methods and concentrate on the actional and practical aspects of human interaction, viewing digital association as the crux of future human interactive activities. However, this essay contends that language exchange, or symbolic interaction in broader terms—the fundamental form of human communication—will not undergo radical alterations due to shifts in external technological conditions or the media environment. The objective of this essay is to delve into the nature of Du’s concept of digital association, elucidating the author’s perspectives and stances on key issues such as how to perceive, describe, and comprehend the essence and subjects of digital association/interaction and what it signifies to be human in the digital era.

肖小穗(2025)。〈數字交往還是符號互動?兼與杜駿飛教授商榷〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第71 期,頁211–243。

Citation of This Article:
Xiao, X. (2025). Digital association or symbolic interaction? A discussion with Prof. Du Junfei. Communication and Society, 71, 211–243.
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