January  2025 71
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
The Power and Limits of Platform Content Moderation in the Chinese Context: Taking Shadow Banning as an Example
作者 張璐
Author Lu ZHANG
關鍵詞 平台治理、內容審查、平台責任、隱形禁止、私權力
Keywords platform governance, content censorship, platform responsibility, shadow banning, private authority
摘要 平台基於一定公共屬性、技術壟斷和先天優勢,在與平台用戶之間支配與被支配關係中形成了一種典型的「私權力」,塑造了有組織的內容審查「私人秩序」。平台內容審查的舉措及其影響是本文研究的中心問題。本研究綜合應用了文本分析、深度訪談和問卷調查等方法,對中國平台內容審查,尤其是「隱形禁止」(shadow banning)措施的現實作出調研。研究發現中國既有的法律法規為平台採取「隱形禁止」措施提供了寬鬆環境和有利條件;平台內容審查的私權力已呈現侵害使用者權利的現實風險。本文從規範用戶協議、算法、技術應用、程序公開透明等方面提出完善中國平台內容審查權力的建議。
Abstract Based on certain public attributes, technological monopolies, and inherent advantages, platforms have established a form of private power in the dominant–subordinate relationship with their users, thus shaping an organized private order of content censorship. The measures and impacts of platform content censorship are the central issues examined in this article. This study employed text analysis, in-depth interviews, and surveys to investigate content censorship on Chinese platforms, focusing especially on shadow banning measures. It found that existing laws and regulations in China create a lenient environment and favorable conditions for platforms to adopt shadow banning measures. The private power of platform content censorship has already shown a real risk of infringing on users’ rights. This article offers suggestions for improving the power of content censorship on Chinese platforms in terms of regulating user agreements, applying algorithmic technology, and ensuring procedural transparency.

張璐(2025)。〈中國語境下平台內容審查的權力及其界限—以隱形禁止為例〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第71 期,頁183–209。

Citation of This Article:
Zhang, L. (2025). The power and limits of platform content moderation in the Chinese context: Taking shadow banning as an example. Communication and Society, 71, 183–209.
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