January  2025 71
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
“Learning Technology”: The Reproduction Black Box of IT Labor Training—A Field Study Based on a Shenzhen IT Training Course
作者 郭建斌、張樂
Author Jianbin GUO, Yue ZHANG
關鍵詞 IT 培訓、再生產、技術主導圖景、技能退化、技能重組
Keywords IT training, reproduction, dominant image of technology, degradation of skills, skill reorganization
摘要 通過對勞動者參加IT培訓到進入軟件測試行業工作的轉變歷程的田野調查,本文聚焦「技術」在IT勞動力轉型和「再生產」過程中的角色。資本利用勞動者們對自身在社會結構中所處位置及「技術主導圖景」的洞察,吸引他們主動參加培訓進行「技能升級」。同時,資本在求職、裁員中對勞動者的「技能」水準及重要性進行重新解釋,並在實際的勞動過程中通過「技能退化」將勞動者們以一種新的方式再生產為IT產業鏈底端勞動力。「技能」與「技術」兩個表述在中文日常語境中的含糊,成為了上述「再生產黑箱」的組成部分。
Abstract This article focuses on the role of technology in the transformation and reproduction of the IT labor force, drawing on a field study of the transition from IT training to working in the software testing industry. Capital uses workers’ penetrations of their positions in the social structure and the dominant image of technology to attract employees to participate in IT training for skills upgrades. Then, capital reorganizes the level and importance of skills in actual job searches and layoffs, reproducing workers as the lower end of the IT industry chain through skill restructuring in the labor process. The ambiguity of the discourses of “skills” and “technology” in the Chinese everyday context becomes part of the black box of reproduction mentioned in the title of this article.


Citation of This Article:
Guo, J., & Zhang, Y. (2025). “Learning technology”: The reproduction black box of IT labor training—A field study based on a Shenzhen IT training course. Communication and Society, 71, 151–182.
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