October 2012 |
22 |
傳播論壇Communication Forum |
敵意媒體理論:媒體偏見的主觀感知研究 |
Hostile Media: Subjective Perception of Media Bias |
作者 |
周樹華、閆 岩 |
Author |
Shuhua ZHOU, Yan YAN |
關鍵詞 |
敵意媒體、認知偏見、刻板印象 |
Keywords |
hostile media, perceived bias, stereotype |
摘要 |
敵意媒體效應是指觀點對立的雙方都主觀地認為均衡的媒體報導於己不利。本文詳細檢驗了敵意媒體理論的產生、發展及其向相對敵意媒體理論的衍生。本文同時綜合性地檢視了敵意媒體理論的影響因素,包括受眾對事件或議題的涉入程度和涉入類型、媒體的既有立場、信息來源和媒體到達度。本文着意討論了敵意媒體效應的解釋機制,包括選擇性記憶、選擇性歸類、評判新聞的不同標準、鋪墊理論和社會身份理論。最後,文章回顧了敵意媒體效應提出以來在細化、縱深化和延伸化等方面的發展,並為該理論在華語傳媒語境下的研究提出建議。敵意媒體效應的研究固然不能消除媒體偏見,卻可為傳播實踐者的策略制定提供參考,亦能啟發社會大眾對自身認知偏見之了解。希望此綜述可為敵意媒體理論的研究提供綜合性的框架,以利於後續研究有據可依,有的放矢。 |
Abstract |
“Hostile media” describes a perceptual fallacy in which objective, balanced news reports are perceived to be biased towards partisan interests. This topic has garnered considerable research efforts in recent decades. The current synthesis traces the history and development of the theory, including recent thinking in “relative hostile media” as well as other multi-faceted research into its cognitive, emotional, and behavioral effects. The factors that contribute to hostile media perception are summarized, including involvement and its categorization, perceived media bias, sources of information, and media reach. Attempts to explain the causes of hostile media are also discussed, including selective memory, selective categorization, discrepancy in judgment standards, priming theory, and social identification. The article further suggests research to tease out, broaden, and expand hostile media research in order to advance understanding and theorization of this perceived effect.
周樹華、閆岩(2012)。〈敵意媒體理論:媒體偏見的主觀感知研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第22 期,頁187–212。
Citation of this article:
Zhou, S., & Yan, Y. (2012). Hostile media: Subjective perception of media bias. Communication & Society, 22, 187–212.
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